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Sex Education And It's Top 13 Interesting Facts- 13angle.com

Sex Education

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SEX EDUCATION- 13angle.com
  • Sex is one of the most overused and overdone phrases in today’s society. However, it is vital to question “what is sex?” because it might signify various things to different individuals. When we talk about the sex process, we’re just talking about individuals having fun and engaging in an intimate session with their partner, which might involve foreplay, snuggling, kissing, embracing, and penetration. Sex is varied for different types of sexual orientations. What sex means and involves for you depends on whether you are straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, pansexual, queer, or still questioning. One of the first lessons you should learn as you begin your path toward a greater knowledge of sex is to let go of all the taboos associated with having sex and embrace it as an act of love and passion. It’s more than just preventing illnesses and unintended pregnancies when it comes to sexual health. It’s also about accepting that sex can be a significant part of your life. Various individuals have sex for different reasons—for some, it’s a method of procreating, while for others, it’s a way of expressing intrinsic desire and lust. In the same way, some people may only appreciate a physical connection with someone they like. And in GenZ era it may also refer as “HOOKUPS”.

  • As a result, what sex means to you may be significantly influenced by what arouses you and what you enjoy or dislike during any sexual action. Remember that while intercourse can be classified as sex, it is not confined to “penetrative sex” or “coitus,” but rather encompasses anything that feels sexual in nature. When we consider the dire situation of sex education in our society, the simple and apparent issue of what is sex becomes the most important. Sex is a voluntary act of love, and if one of the participants is unwilling to participate, it is not sex; it is rape.

  • There are numerous aspects of sex to comprehend, including what it includes, all the concerns it raises, and one’s sexual preferences. It might be difficult to grasp one’s sentiments towards sex at times, especially in the early years. Is it a topic that makes you feel uneasy? You have no idea what kind of sex you like? Is it true that you’re ready for sex? When is it appropriate to have sex for the first time? Is sex an unpleasant experience?

What Is Sex?

  • Sex is defined as an action that causes one, two, or more persons to become aroused (sexually excited). Touch, words or both can be used. It may entail genital contact, although it is not required. When individuals discuss sex, they frequently refer to sexual intercourse or penetrative sex. Everyone should enjoy themselves during the sexual engagement, and everyone should provide their consent at all times. This means that before the start of the activity, everyone should agree on what they are comfortable with. If someone changes their mind or decides to quit, it is critical that they be able to express themselves and that their wishes be honored.

  • This guarantees that the encounter is enjoyable for all parties involved. A sexual act might comprise a variety of things other than vaginal intercourse, and it may not even include vaginal sex. Everything and anything that seems sexual in nature is included, such as embracing, kissing, any sexual contact, anal intercourse, oral sex, stripping in front of someone, and so on. The act of sex, on the other hand, is defined as the act of penetration, or intercourse. Many LGBT activists, however, are contesting this definition since it is sexist and racist.

Sexual Pleasure And Orgasm

  • Sexual pleasure can’t be described in a single way. Many things may provide pleasure and fulfillment. Orgasm is a state of extreme sexual ecstasy. This is one method of obtaining sexual pleasure. When the penis gets hard and swollen, those with penises experience orgasm. When there is a desire for sex and a release of hormones in the body, this happens. During orgasm, ejaculation is common. When the clitoris (and occasionally the inner and outer labia) is stimulated and swollen, those with vulvas experience orgasm. The clitoris, like the penis, has a high concentration of nerve endings. Signals in the body flood the nerves when these erogenous zones are touched and massaged. This might cause pleasurable emotions to spread throughout the body.

  • It’s critical to understand your and your partner’s anatomy so that you may both get the most out of your sex. What works for you might not work for someone else. Discuss your likes and dislikes with your partner. Experimenting to discover the most pleasurable touches may be entertaining. Intimacy may be increased as a result of more communication. Masturbation is another strategy that may assist you in learning the finest ways to enjoy sexual pleasure.

Types Of Sex

TYPES OF SEX- 13angle.com

1. Vaginal sex

This is stereotyped, straight intercourse, in which a guy penetrates the vagina of a woman with his penis. Because the bulk of the Indian population is straight, this is the most prevalent kind of sex. Despite the fact that studies suggest that all women are bisexual or homosexual but not straight, there is still a lack of acceptance of this fact.

2. Oral sex

This is the act of orally stimulating your partner’s genital organs by swallowing or licking them. Oral sexual activity does not need a certain sexual orientation and can be performed by partners with a variety of sexual interests.

3. Anal sex

Although this sort of sex is outlawed in India, many individuals nevertheless engage in it illegally. It is the act of invading a partner’s anus. Normally, anal sex is associated with homosexual males; nevertheless, an increasing number of women are engaging in anal sex. Anal intercourse has a higher risk of infection and comes with a slew of other dangers.

Phone Sex- 13angle.com

4. Mutual Masturbation

There is no penetration in this type of intercourse. It entails either masturbating in front of your spouse or assisting him in doing so. This is the safest kind of sexual activity since there is no chance of STDs, pregnancy, or illness. Sexuality and sex are natural aspects of life.  Sex may be for closeness and pleasure in addition to procreation. Masturbation, also known as penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI), or sexual activity, can provide a variety of unexpected advantages in various aspects of your life:

  1. physical
  2. intellectual
  3. emotional
  4. psychological
  5. social

5. Fingering or hand job 

Pleasuring is when you use your fingers to stimulate your genitals and/or place your fingers in your vaginal or anus to generate sexual sensations. A hand job is when you use your hand to stimulate your dick.

6. Masturbation

Getting sexual pleasure by touching your own bodily parts. This can be done alone or in tandem with another person. Vibrators, dildos, anal toys, and other sex toys can be used during masturbation.

7. Phone Sex

Talking, flirting, and sharing visuals with someone over the phone or online in order to elicit sex drive or pleasure.

How Can Sex Benefit Your Body?

How can sex benefit your body- 13angle.com

Some of the benefits you can get from sex include:

  1. lowering blood pressure
  2. burning calories
  3. increasing heart health
  4. strengthening muscles
  5. reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension
  6. increasing libido
  7. People with active sex lives tend to exercise more frequently and have better dietary habits than those who are less sexually active. Physical fitness may also improve sexual performance overall.
  8. Stronger immune system
  9. Better sleep
  10. Your body releases oxytocin also called the “love” or “intimacy” hormone, and endorphins during an orgasm. The combination of these hormones can act as sedation. Better sleep can contribute to:
  11. a stronger immune system
  12. feeling more well-rested
  13. having more energy during the day
  14. Headache relief

How Can Sex Benefit Your Mental Health?

  • Like exercise, sex can help reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness.

  • Studies Trusted  Source suggests that sexual activity (defined as PVI) may correlate with:

  1. increased satisfaction with your mental health
  2. increased levels of trust, intimacy, and love in your relationships
  3. improved ability to perceive, identify, and express emotions
  4. lessened use of your immature psychological defense mechanism, or the mental processes to reduce distress from emotional conflict
  • At an older age, sexual activity may affect your well-being and ability to think. The research found that sexually active adults between 50 to 90 years old had better memory. They were also less likely to feel depressed and lonely.

  • Confidence booster: Frequent sexual activity, whether with a partner or alone, can make you look younger. This is partially due to the release of estrogen during sex.

1. Improved Heart Health — Yes, Sex Is Exercise

  • Healthy sex is excellent for your heart, just like any other physical exercise. Men who had sex twice weekly or more had a lower risk of cardiovascular disorders like stroke or heart attack than men who had sex once a month or less, according to research published in the American Journal of Circulation in January 2015. For individuals concerned that sex effort is harmful to their hearts, the American Cardiac Association’s Scientific Statement on Sexual Activity and Cardiovascular Disease state that having sex is safe for persons who can work out in the range of 3 to 5 metabolic equivalents with no heart issues (METs). The energy (calories) expended during an activity is measured in METs.

2. Sweet Pain Relief, Even From Menstrual Cramps

  • Glancing at your lover — or even a picture of your mate — might help you feel better. Anesthesiologists at Stanford University in California gave participants images of their love relationships or photos of beautiful strangers or invited them to play a word game, in another research published in PLoS One. They discovered that staring at romantic partners considerably reduced discomfort. Consider this a sex benefit worth the time and effort, even if you think pain is a barrier to sex: Take a minute to look your partner in the eyes. Other studies have discovered that a nice orgasm might help women relieve menstrual cramps.

3. Less Stress and Lower Blood Pressure

  • Sex can alleviate stress by increasing endorphins and other mood-enhancing chemicals. It can also help you relax as a type of exercise. Furthermore, Scottish research published in the journal Biological Psychology discovered that sexual engagement lowers blood pressure during stressful situations. While persons who had penetrative sex showed a stronger impact, no penetrative sex, and masturbation can also help you stay calm.

4. Possible Reduction of Prostate Cancer Risk

  • According to research published in the journal European Urology in December 2016, men who ejaculate more than 21 times per month is 20% less likely to acquire prostate cancer than men who ejaculate four to seven times per month. While additional study is needed to prove this association, it appears that males who ejaculate on a regular basis may have a lower prostate cancer risk.

5. Better Sleep With a Bonus: Increased Sexual Desire

  • Orgasms produce the hormone prolactin, which might make you feel tired and calm, according to the National Sleep Foundation. So don’t be shocked if you and your spouse fall asleep quickly after a wonderful encounter – and awake feeling revitalized. This sleep relationship also operates in the other direction: Getting adequate sleep, according to research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in May 2015, might boost your sexual response and raise your chances of engaging in sex on a regular basis. The next day, when women slept for longer lengths of time, they reported having more sexual desire, according to researchers.

6. Happier Mood and a Stronger Relationship

  • It’s no surprise that you’ve gained a more cheerful view following sex: From the neurotransmitters produced during healthy sex to the mood enhancers found in semen, there are scientific reasons for perceiving increased mood as a sex benefit. Researchers discovered that spouses were pleased for a full 48 hours following sexual activity in this study, which looked at newlywed couples who kept a two-week sexual journal. Those who were fortunate enough to catch the afterglow reported increased contentment in their relationships many months later.  

7. Glowing, Younger-Looking Skin

  • Is it possible to have that famed “morning after” glow? It’s not just your imagination; having sex makes you look better. “Sex may even make you seem younger,” Caron adds. The flush of blood under your skin, which is a natural component of the arousal process, can be ascribed to a mix of stress release, improved mood, and the flush of blood under your skin. One of life’s greatest pleasures is having a healthy sexual life. Knowing that intercourse can be beneficial to your long-term health makes it much more delightful.

How To Have Safe Sex?

HOW TO HAVE SAFE SEX- 13angle.com
  • Scientists from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and the World Health Organization wanted to see if, including sexual pleasure, the “primary motivator of why individuals have sex,” into sexual health education initiatives would be helpful. Despite the fact that billions of dollars have been spent on sexual health treatments and initiatives, the authors claim that sexual pleasure has been “insufficiently addressed.”

  • The researchers discovered that programs that emphasize sexual pleasure “substantially enhanced” participants’ usage of condoms after reviewing studies on the outcomes of various sexual health programs that do or do not emphasize sexual pleasure. The majority of programs the researchers analyzed discussed sexual pleasure in the context of behavioral skills, such as “making condom use fun or sexy” and “using lubrication to enhance sexual pleasure,” researchers said. Doing so, they found, did result in behavioral changes.

  • This improvement was observed in a number of contexts, including groups for men who have sex with males in the United States, as well as sexual health workshops for young people and teenagers in Spain and Brazil. Researchers discovered that increasing condom use results in fewer cases of sexually transmitted illnesses and disorders. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 million sexually transmitted illnesses are acquired every day throughout the world.

  • The majority of those cases are asymptomatic, which can lead to greater long-term concerns for people who contract them, such as an increased risk of HIV, foetus and delivery complications, cancer, and death for those who contract them. According to WHO and health care specialists, the best approach to avoid them is to use a condom during intercourse.

  • The researchers discovered that one of the pleasure-inclusive therapies they studied witnessed a 50% reduction in HIV/STI incidence when compared to more conventional intervention. According to the World Health Organization, healthy sexual health is essential for people’s overall health and well-being. In a statement, research co-author Lianne Gonsalves, one of the international agency’s representatives, stated that standard training programmers teach safe sex by focusing on lowering risk and avoiding disease, but miss how safe sex may “also foster closeness, pleasure, consent, and wellness.”

Q. What if my partner doesn’t want to use a condom?

It’s critical to look after your health and feel at ease during any sexual activities. Maintain an open line of communication with your spouse. Consider if they are someone you want to be with if they urge you to have risky sex.

Top Things To Know:

Top things to know sex- 13angle.com
  • Sex can mean different things to different people.

  • Having sex is not just about having babies, it should also be fun for everyone involved.

  • Consent means making sure everyone wants to participate, feels safe, and is enjoying the activity the whole time.

  • Understanding you’re and your partner’s anatomy will help you both experience pleasure during sex.

  • STIs are common and nothing to be ashamed about. All STIs are treatable. Many are curable.

  • We wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for sex. Although sex is a part of the human lifecycle, many people still find it taboo to discuss. This can cause a lot of confusion and questions.

  • It takes time to figure out what works for you and what your preferences are. That’s okay! Each of us is on our own timeline and the path to sexual pleasure looks different for everyone.

Indian Kamasutra And History About Sex

  • The “Kamasutra” is one of the world’s oldest and most famous textbooks on sensual love. It was written in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian literary language, in northern India during the second century when Europeans were still swinging in trees sexually. It can still make people blush today because of its candor about the intricacies of sexual pleasure. Most Indians in the country of the Kamasutra believe that teaching youngster about sex at home or at school is wrong. In a society where the issue has been repressed by family, government, and numerous institutions, we continue to produce kids and are on track to replace China as the world’s most populated country by 2030.

  • The litany of ironies surrounding our stance on sex is lengthy and perplexing. Here are a few more. We are hesitant to discuss sex with our partners, but we worship the lingam, which is God’s phallus, with zeal. We want our women to bear children, but we seldom provide them with enjoyable sex – just 32% of Indian women experience orgasm, which is half the number of males who say they do. In truth, we’ve been hypocrites on this issue for a long time, because a period in India’s sexual past isn’t all that dissimilar to the present. According to Rig Veda, the vaginal blood after a bride’s deflowering is extremely hazardous.

  • If clothing is tainted with this blood, it must be surrendered to a priest; otherwise, everyone who comes into contact with them will be killed. The Arthashastra specifies what should be done if a girl loses her virginity, as well as declaring that a marriage is null and void if the female is not a virgin.

  • If there is no blood on the covers after the wedding night, the female is not a virgin, according to the Arthashastra. A significant fine is imposed on males who destroy a girl’s virginity outside of marriage, according to the Manusmriti, an ancient law treatise. The Kanya is the subject of an entire book published in India some 2000 years ago as part of the seven-volume Kamasutra, which is otherwise a remarkable source of progressive sexual criticism. This book also mentions, or rather assumes, that a girl is a virgin on her wedding night and so the man must make her content, or he will ensure the girl’s marital life is unhappy.

  • A woman is not permitted to feel sexual pleasure until she marries, and once she does, she is only allowed to have intercourse with one man and have his offspring due to this age-old focus on chastity. Unfortunately, throughout Indian history, these extreme ideas on sex are the only ones that have survived, while the more liberal ones — which I shall discuss in this article — have been destroyed. This has resulted in lies and deception in millions of Indian relationships and marriages that may have been healthy and honest otherwise. Young girls who are unable to seek counsel from their parents undergo abortions on the sly, despite the fact that abortions before the twelve-week mark have been permitted in India since 1972. We also instill guilt, confusion, shyness, and humiliation in the minds of millions of our women because of their sexuality, which is awful.

  • My family taught me the first lesson when I was thirteen years old when I was told that going in a temple while menstruation was sacrilegious. It was an affront to my newly acquired feeling of sexual privacy to have it whispered among the family that I was menstruation and so forbidden from entering the temple we kept at home — not that I wanted to visit it in the first place.

  • Every month, I felt like I was doing something wrong as I struggled with erratic menstrual periods and discomfort. It planted the idea in my head that my sexuality was impure and “evil.” I had rightly understood, as does every little girl in India, that everything relating to sex is profane. Millions of people who are afraid of anything sexual worship the Goddess’s vagina at the Kamakhya temple in Guwahati, Assam, which is considered one of India’s holiest locations. The fact that the holiest period at the Kamakhya temple is the four-day yearly festival when Kamakhya Devi, the Goddess, is supposed to be menstruation, seemed even more bizarre to me.

  • The Kamasutra is the most renowned sensual love literature, written in the third century CE. Wendy Doniger aims to highlight what the book reveals about life in ancient India, the mores and customs, and the unexpectedly modern attitude toward sex and sexuality in this academic study. In this section, Doniger considers the position of women in the Kamasutra, as well as what female readers take away from it.

The Kamasutra For Women

  • The presumption that Kamasutra’s intended reader is a man continues in popular culture today… But… The Kamasutra is a book for women, and it was written with women in mind. It still has a lot to give women today. Vatsyayana believes that at least some women should read this literature and that others should learn its contents in other ways: A woman should study the Kamasutra and its subsidiary arts before she reaches her prime of youth, and she should continue after she has been given away if her husband chooses…

  • This is an important book because it argues for a manner by which the Kamasutra (and other Sanskrit works) would have been understood not only by women but also by the general community; such information would have been passed down down the generations. In his Malatimadhava, the eighteenth-century CE dramatist Bhavabhuti shows ladies really invoking the Kamasutra. When a lady complains that her companion was raped by her husband on the wedding night (as most women in Sanskrit plays do), she resorts to Sanskrit’ (as the stage instructions imply) to add, ‘The writers of the Kamasutra warn, “Women are like flowers, and must be seduced very carefully.”  If they are kidnapped against their will by guys who have not yet earned their confidence, they become sex-phobic women.”‘ This is significant proof of not just intellectual groups’ familiarity with the Kamasutra, but also of its usage by women who understood Sanskrit as well as the languages in which they traditionally talked. It also shows that the Kamasutra was seen as a counterweight to the existing sexual violence culture. Sanskrit knowledge was not confined to males or women.

Women’s rights

  • The Kamasutra reflects liberal ideas about women’s education and sexual liberation. It’s helpful to remember the views toward women in two significant writings that came before it, the Laws of Manu and the Arthashastra, to grasp this. The author of the Arthashastra, Kautilya, is far more liberal than Manu. He accepts the lady with several husbands, which is unthinkable to Manu and difficulty even for the permissive Kamasutra.

  • Kautilya is also more lenient than Manu when it comes to divorce and widow remarriage; whereas Manu does not allow either of these choices for a widow whose husband has died, Kautilya gives a widow some control over her property, which comprised of unlimited jewelry and tiny maintenance; she keeps these after her parents ’ divorce she remarries, wherein case she relinquishes them with involvement or settles it all with her sons. Both, however, severely restrict women’s sexual and economic freedom.

  • The Kamasutra, predictably, is far more open-minded than Manu about women’s access to household funds, and about divorce and widow remarriage. The absolute power that the wife in the Kamasutra has in running the household’s finances stands in sharp contrast with Manu’s statement that a wife ‘should not have too free a hand in spending’ and his cynical remark that, ‘No man is able to guard women entirely by force, but they can be safely guarded if kept busy amassing and spending money, engaging in purification, attending to their duties, cooking food and looking after the furniture.’

Films And Series Promoting Sex Education:

Badhai Do

Sex Education Tv Series- 13angle.com

Sex Education

Shubh Mangal Savdhan movie- 13angle.com

Shubh Mangal Savdhan

Pink movie- 13angle


My Brother...Nikhil

Margarita With A Straw- 13angle.com

Margarita With A Straw

Top 13 Interesting Facts About Sex Education

  1. The most common cause of penile rupture is vigorous masturbation. If that happens, you’re doing it wrong.

  2. Orgasms can lower a woman’s risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, and depression.

  3. Humans start to think about sex relatively early in our life spans. By age 19, about 70 percent of American teenagers have had sex.

  4. It’s no accident that nipples are erogenous zones. Brain-imaging research on women has shown that sensory signals from the nipples end up in the same area of the brain that stimulation from the vagina, cervix, and clitoris do.

  5. Learning about sex makes you more likely to go out and do it, right? Nope. According to research published in 2012 by the nonprofit Guttmacher Institute, any sex education at all delays teen sex.

  6. Sex is not just for the young and skinny. Unsurprisingly, loving your body has benefits in the sack. A small study of obese women found that those who accepted their bodies reported better sex, while those who hated their size said their sex lives suffered.

  7. Guys and gals lose their virginity at about the same time, on average, with the Kinsey Institute estimating the average age of first intercourse for guys is 16.9 and gals at 17.4.

  8. A study published in 2012 in the journal Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health found that certain factors, such as a partner’s comfort and oral and genital stimulation, were linked with pleasurable safe-sex experiences.

  9. While some women can orgasm with a little physical activity, about one in four women find reaching orgasm an elusive goal. It was found that for women ages 18 to 30 the No. 1 sex complaint is trouble reaching orgasm, while older women mostly complain about lack of sexual desire.

  10. The belief that men need to dominate may prevent them from communicating about sex with their partners or asking questions about things they don’t know.

  11. DOES SIZE MATTER: Personality and grooming rank way higher on the list of concerns, the researchers found. Eighty-five percent of women were happy with their partner’s penis size, compared with only 55 percent of men who were satisfied with their own penis.

  12. Sex can trigger transient global amnesia, a rare condition in which memory suddenly, temporarily, disappears. Researchers describe one instance in which a 54-year-old woman showed up in the emergency room at Georgetown University Hospital unable to remember the past 24 hours. Her amnesia, it seems, had started right after having sex with her husband just an hour before. The mind-blowing sex affects just three to five people per 100,000 each year. But what makes transient global amnesia so eerie is that researchers aren’t sure what causes it, or why patients remain otherwise chatty and alert while missing large chunks of their memories.

  13. Peeing after having sex prevents you from catching urinary tract infections.

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