Short Notes

Short Notes On Revenue Police System

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  • Civil officials of the Revenue department have the powers and functions of the regular police.

  • Also known as Patwari Police.

  • The revenue police got legal in the year 1915 by an administrative order by the Lt. Governor of the United Province.

Creation of Revenue Police System

  • It was created by the British government in the 1800s when the rulers of Tehri lost their territories to Gurkhas and requested the British to oust the Gurkhas from Garhwal in exchange for payment.

  • After the war, the rulers were unable to pay and in exchange, the British kept the western part of Garhwal.

  • To collect revenue from the natural resources and minerals found in Uttarakhand, the British government established a revenue police system that included positions such as patwari, kanungo, lekhpal, and others.

  • The Revenue Police System was similar to that of the Mughal Administration.

  • Due to the low crime rates in the hilly areas, the British government believed they could depend on the revenue police to maintain daily law and order.

  • By avoiding the use of regular police, this system also saves money and resources.

How Revenue Police System Functions

  • Whenever a crime occurs, the revenue police of the area
  1. filed an FIR,
  2. investigated the case,
  3. arrested the accused and
  4. also filed the charge sheet in the local court.
  • In the case of heinous crimes like murder, rape, or crimes against Scheduled Castes and Tribes, the case is transferred to the regular police.

In The Current Scenario

  • Currently, the revenue police jurisdiction encompasses more than 60% of the hill state’s geographical area and approximately 25% of its population.

  • The jurisdiction of the regular police force in Uttarakhand does not extend to several hilly areas.

Recent Update

  • The state cabinet of Uttarakhand has cleared a proposal to replace the “Revenue Police System” with the “Regular Police”.

  • The government has announced that 1,800 villages will be brought under regular police jurisdiction.

  • In the first phase, the borders of 52 police stations and 19 police posts will be expanded.

  • In 2018, the Uttarakhand High Court ordered the state government to abolish the revenue police system.

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