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Federation Of Indian Chambers Of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)

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Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry-


  • FICCI was established in 1927.FICCI was the largest and oldest apex business organization in India. FICCI influences the economic policies of India’s government by sponsoring discussion forums for economists, civil servants, and industrial lists and through informal consultative arrangements with government planners and policymakers. The Federation of the Indian chamber of commerce and Industries (FICCI) was founded in 1927 by the leading industrialists to organize their business interests. The FICCI criticized the colonial control over the Indian economy and supported the civil Disobedience movement when it was first launched. The Federation of Indian chambers of commerce and Industry (FICCI) is a non-governmental trade association and advocacy group based in India.

  • Ghanshyam Das Birla was an Indian businessman and founder of FICCI.

FICCI- leadership throughout quality and excellence

1. Specialized Cells:-

  1. BISNET – (business information service network)
  2. Total quality forum- strive for quality improvement of goods and services, FITPO (foreign investment and trade promotion office)- provide guidance to foreign business.

2. International Network:-

  1. JBCS (joint business councils) works as a link between FICCI and apex chambers in other countries.
  2. SICCI (SAARC chamber of commerce and industry in Karachi) FICCI is a founder member of SICCI.

3. Associate Bodies:-

  1. ICA (Indian council of arbitration), AIOE (All India organization of employees), FLD (FICCI ladies’ organization), FRAC (Food research and analysis center), AISC (All India shippers council.
  • In the year 1827, headquartered in Delhi and has a presence in 12 states in India and 8 countries across the world. FICCI focus on policy advocacy sector-specific business building business promotion and networking. FICCI members the corporate sector and more than 250,000 companies from various regional chambers of commerce. President of FICCI is Sangita reddy. All FICCI along with CII and ASSOCHAM are trade associations of business and non-government organizations with the passage of time, their role has changed, due to which they have been able to make a remarkable position on their own.


The Federation of Indian chambers of commerce and Industry (FICCI) came into being with the blessing of Mahatma Gandhi who advised that industry and business should act as trustees of the poor. FICCI has extended support to the Indian industry in different areas of public policy creation of capacity and imparting training for professional excellence.

Mr. GD Birla (past president) with Mahatma Gandhi in 1929
Sir Shri Ram (past president) with Mahatma Gandhi 1931
Federation office Mumbai 1927-
Federation office Mumbai 1927






FICCI Logo Now

  • FICCI has been a key interface between the industry and policymakers.

  • FICCI organized India’s first trade fair (1956)

  • FICCI also helped build India’s international connections.

History Of FICCI

  • FICCI was formed in 1927 on the advice of Mahatma Gandhi by Indian businessman G.D Birla and Purshottamdas Thakurdas. It is the largest, oldest, highest, and the important business organization in India. It is a non-government, not-for-profit organization. FICCI draws its membership from the corporate sector, both private and public, including SMEs and MNCs. The chamber has a direct membership of over 250,000 companies from various regional chambers of commerce.  It is in sector-specific business building, business promotion, and networking. Currently, it’s headquartered in the national capital New Delhi and has a presence in 12 states in India and 8 countries around the world.

  • Allied organizations- Confederation of Indian food trade and industry- Confederation of Indian foods trade and industry (CIFTI) provides for the Indian food Industry. It deals with policies, trade affairs, and capacity building. CIFTI provides institutional support and partners with the government and the Indian private sector in the promotion and development of Indian food processing units in the industry. CIFTI was established by FICCI in 1985. It is currently led by Sanjay kajhuria who serves as its president.

  • Arbitration and conciliation tribunal- FICCI Arbitration and conciliation tribunal (FACT) provides arbitration services for solving commercial disputes. The fact was established in 1952 and aims at solving or settling business disputes outside the traditional framework offered by the court of law throughout arbitration and conciliation.

  • Alliance for consumer care- FICCI Alliance for consumer care (FACC) is a dedicated center set up by FICCI along with the department of consumer affairs in India to bring more consumer care into practice and facilitate stakeholder interaction. It facilitates prompt compensation of consumers for the fake or imagined cause of complaints, a dialogue between the business and consumers, and the promotion of responsible business practices.

  • Ladies’ organisation-FICCI Ladies Organisation was formed in 1983 to encourage and to promote entrepreneurship and professional excellence among women in India.

  • Aditya Birla CSR Center for Excellence-Aditya Birla CSR Center for Excellence is a joint initiative of FICCI and the Aditya Birla Group. The center aims to the development of inclusive and holistic CSR practices. This center also organizes the Businessworld FICCI CSR Award, an annual award aimed at identifying and recognizing remarkable CSR initiatives.

  • Confederation of Micro, small and medium Enterprises (CMSME)- a confederation of Micro, Small, and medium enterprises is an affiliated body of FICCI. It was formed in December 2013. Its main objective is to connect MSMEs with mentors, places available with small rental amounts for small businesses and halos them to grow more quickly and also assist them through capacity-building programs and services, deliberate policy concerns of the sector, and provide a regular interface between industry, government, and regulators. In terms of the scope of work, CMSME is like FICCI with the only difference being the exclusive focus on Micro, Small and media enterprises in India.

  • CASCADE- FICCI Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying Economy (CASCADE) was launched on 18 January 2011 and aims to run a consumer responding drive on the impact of using smuggled, illegal, and fake products across India. The body is also engaged in capacity building of law enforcement agencies and research. It has estimated an annual tax loss to the government of India due to smuggling, fraud, and fake at Rs 26,190 crore.

  • Technology Commercialisation- DRDO-FICCI Accelerated Technology Assessment and Commercialisation (ATAC) program- DRDO and FICCI started the ATAC program in February 2009 with the object to create commercial linkages for DRDO technologies for use in civilian products and services. The Explosives Detector kit developed by DRDO is being commercialized under this initiative. Bio-toilets based upon the bio-digester technology developed by DRDO are another such technology being commercialized under the program. It is projected that DRDO will install 18000 bio-toilets across India in cooperation with various states, Union Territories, FICCI, and Ganga Action Plan. Besides, over 10000 bio-digesters are being installed in passenger coaches of the Indian Rail.

  1. Taskforces- Aerospace and Air Defence Taskforce headed by Air Marshal M. Matheswaran (Indian Air Force)

  2. International Migration and Diaspora Taskforce headed by Alwyn Didar Singh former Indian civil servant.

  3. Land Reforms and policy Taskforce headed by R V Kanoria kanoria chemicals

  4. Edtech Taskforce headed by Divya Gokulnath.

Members Of FICCI

  1. Corporate members
  2. Associate members
  3. Chamber members

Corporate Members


Aakash Educational Services Limited 

New Delhi


Abbott Healthcare Private Limited 



ACC Limited 



Accenture Solutions Private Limited 



ACG Associated Capsules Pvt Ltd 



Adani Enterprises Ltd 



Amazon Seller Services Pvt. Ltd. 



Amber Enterprises India Limited 



Ambuja Neotia Holdings Private Limited 



Amway India Enterprises Pvt Ltd 



Anheuser Busch InBev India Limited 



Apco Infratech Private Limited 



Apple India Pvt Ltd 

New Delhi


Arka Fincap Limited 



Arvind Limited 



Asclepius Wellness Private Limited 

New Delhi


Asian Paints (India) Ltd. 



ATS Infrastructure Ltd 



AU Small Finance Bank Ltd 



AVAADA Energy Private Limited 

New Delhi

Associate Members


10infinite Private Limited 



3F Oil Palm Private Limited 



4ESoftware Private Limited 



63 Moons Technologies Limited (Formerly Financial Technologies India Ltd) 



A C Humidin Air Systems Pvt Ltd 



A2K Epic Decor Pvt. Ltd. 

New Delhi


Aachi Masala Foods Pvt Ltd 



Aadi Sustainability Solutions Pvt Ltd 



Aarti Industries Ltd 



Aban Offshore Ltd 



Abellon CleanEnergy Limited 



Abis Exports (India) Pvt Ltd 



ACE Commercial Co Pvt Ltd 



ACE Urban Infocity Limited 



Acme Cleantech Solutions Private Limited 



Acoem Ecotech Industries Pvt Ltd 



Acuite Ratings & Research Limited 



Acumen Aviation 



Adani Capital Private Limited 



Add-Shop-E-Retail Limited 


Chambers Member


Active Telugu Film Producers Guild (ATFPG) 



Alabama India Business Partnerships (AIBP) 



Alkali Manufacturers Association of India 

New Delhi


All India Association of Industries 



All India Buffalo & Sheep Meat Exporters Association 

New Delhi


All India Federation of Horological Industries 

New Delhi


All India Federation of Lottery Trade & Allied Industries 

New Delhi


All India Flat Tape Manufacturer’s Association 

New Delhi


All India Gem and Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC) 



All India Liquid Bulk Importers and Exporters Association 



All India Rubber Industries Association 



All India Skin and Hide Tanners & Merchants Association 



All India Spices Exporters Forum 



All India Sports Goods Mfrs Federation 



All Kerala Tiles and Sanitaryware Dealers Association 



Alloy Steel Producers Association of India 



Andaman Chamber of Commerce and Industry 

Port Blair


Andhra Chamber of Commerce 



Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry Association 



Apparel Export Promotion Council 


FICCI Start-Up Membership

  • FICCI plays a leading role in policy debates that are at the forefront of social, economic, and political change. FICCI’s vision is to be the thought leader for industry, its violence for policy change, and its guardian for effective implementation. The federation’s stand on policy issues is actively sought by the government. FICCI is the first port of call for Indian industry and the international business community when policy change is sought.

1. Membership Base:-

  • The Federation, along with its allied bodies such as FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO), Confederation of Indian Food Trade and Industry (CIFTI), FICCI BISNET, FICCI-CMSME, FICCI B2B Portal, etc., has a total membership base of over 7000 direct Members and represents over 2,50,000 companies indirectly through over 280 regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry Associations (Member Bodies) which are affiliated to FICCI. It is our endeavor to stay true to the mission of being ‘Industry’s Voice for Policy Change’ and enhance the efficiency and global competitiveness of the Indian industry.

2. Membership Benefits:-

FICCI offers a world of opportunities to its members such as a Platform to interact with other Members, Institutions, State & Central Governments, participation in topical seminars, training programs, conferences and meetings, fora to meet global business and political leaders, domain experts, members of civil society and thought leaders, participation in exhibitions and trade fairs in India and abroad, etc. 

3. Membership Categories:-

  • To cater to many Start-Ups interested in FICCI Membership, we have created a new category for inducting Startups as members. As per the Ministry of Commerce (DIPP) definition, a “Start-up” company is defined as under:-
  1. Up to five years from the date of its incorporation/registration. 
  2. If its turnover for any of the financial year has not exceeded Rs.25 crores; and 
  3. The company is working towards innovation, development, deployment, or commercialization of new products, processes, or services driven by technology or intellectual property. 
  • Once inducted as a member of FICCI, the company will be treated as a Start-up Member for three years only. On completing three years the member will have to either opt for Associate Members or FICCI-CMSME membership as per their eligibility.   

4. Membership Fee:-

  1. The annual subscription will be paid at a flat rate of Rs.10,000/-. 
  2. A one-time admission fee of Rs. 2,500/- shall be payable by all new entrants at the time of seeking admission. 
  3. At the time of admission, a member will pay a total fee of Rs.12,500 plus 18% GST. 

5. Documents:- 

The following documents are required along with the filled membership form: 

  1. Duly filled in the application form, 
  2. Cheque / DD / NEFT 
  3. Company Profile 
  4. CEO Profile 
  5. Mandatory Declaration on Co’s letterhead signed & stamped, Services through other allied bodies of FICCI 
  • FICCI houses several specialized service centers and allied organizations and divisions such as ATA Carnet (Reimport certification), Resource Conservation Management (RCM), Millennium Alliance, Disaster Management, Corporate Governance, Consumer Care, Confederation of Indian Food Trade, and Industry (CIFTI), CSR, FICCI Ladies Organisation, Indian Council of Arbitration, ICC India, FICCI Quality Forum, Exhibitions, Inclusive Governance Council, etc. 

  • Through these bodies, FICCI Members can avail of assessments & audits FICCI conducts, for eg. Occupational Health & Safety through Energy Audits, Water Audits, Environment Audits, Equipment Diagnostic Studies, and Safety Audits, Human Health Risk assessments, etc. at a discounted rate.

How Does FICCI Work

  • The federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), an association of Indian business organizations, is dedicated to promoting the growth and global competitiveness of Indian businesses. Established in 1927, it is the oldest and largest business association in India, comprising thousands of corporations, chambers of commerce, trade associations, and other groups. FICCI influences the economic policies of India’s government by sponsoring discussion forums for economists, civil servants, and industrialists and through informal consultative arrangements with government planners and policymakers. FICCI also provides practical advice and information, services, and networking opportunities to its business members. It is headquartered in New Delhi and maintains offices in various Indian states and foreign countries.

  • FICCI has undertaken policy initiatives to address issues such as opportunities for women entrepreneurs, smuggling and piracy, energy conservation, and business arbitration. To address bilateral issues and to promote foreign trade and investment, FICCI has formed joint business councils with counterpart associations in countries throughout the world, including the United States, China, Australia, and Japan. FICCI also maintains relations with multilateral organizations such as the United National Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the World Bank.

Importance Of FICCI

  • FICCI provides reports, in-depth research papers, surveys, and analyses of all sectors of the global economy. Every year, the company organizes around 300 conferences and summits each year and is one of the leading providers of trade fairs and exhibitions. The company was established in 1977 and is based in India. Through its membership network, the company can speak and engage with 250,000 members and have connections with 300 leading industry organizations and committees of experts from 70 industries. FICCI’s international division envisions taking India’s growth story and its corporate sector’s entrepreneurial zeal to newer markets and business entities across the globe. By initiating inter-governmental and intra-agency cooperation and collaborations, FICCI International has not only established itself as a focal point for policymakers and the highest decision-making authorities at home and abroad for its pertinent inputs but is constantly endeavoring to harness and showcase the very best that Indian corporate sector has to offer to the world. To attain the cherished goal, FICCI International aims to infuse and harmonize the emerging capabilities of every sector of the economy. By doing so, the division supports the cause of FICCI to remain at the forefront of ensuring and evaluating business opportunities for the Indian industry in every part of the globe. FICCI International continuously evaluates newer opportunities for the Indian industry to access newer markets.
  1. It provides available information on policy and regulatory environment in the focus markets for facilitating entry

  2. Organises road shows and participates in conventions and exhibitions of international repute for providing hands-on information on the market conditions for products and services offered by Indian businesses

  3. Organizes specialized seminars for enhancing capacity building and innovation to keep pace with global demand and requirements

  4. Share information for potential business matchmaking and eventually extending institutional support at home and in the target country for realizing the potential business plans

  5. Undertaking initial due diligence for promoting the bi-directional flow of investments to and from India

  6. Regularly sharing information on business and investment opportunities available across the world

  7. Facilitating business visas and asking for support from respective embassies in India. We also work closely with several bilateral and multilateral institutions and provide the private sector’s perspective on evolving global and regional public policy and economic issues. Further, as geo-political developments across the world have a bearing on economic relations just as these get influenced by business relations amongst countries, we also provide a platform for industry, academia, and strategic affairs experts to come and discuss issues related to India’s foreign policy.

FICCI For Covid-19 And GST

  • Schools, colleges, educational institutions, and centers will remain closed, and online classes and distance learning should be encouraged and recommended by FICCI.

  • Social, sports, academic, cultural, religious, and political gatherings will have only 100 people with mandatory use of masks and sanitizer.

  • Marriages will have 50 persons and funeral functions can have 20 people.

  • Cinema halls, parks, and other places which can have gatherings will remain closed but open-air theatres can open after a certain point.

  • These are the initial measures taken by FICCI with times changing accordingly.

  • FICCI also recommended removing GST health issues.

Top 13 Interesting Facts About FICCI

  1. Uday Shankar is an Indian media executive and former journalist who was a member of FICCI (2020-2021).

  2. Sangita reddy was an Indian businessperson who works as a joint managing director at Apollo hospital. (2019-2020)

  3. Krishna Kumar Birla was an industrialist and a family member of the Birla family (1974-75).

  4. Hari Shankar Singhania –president of J. K organization (1979-80).

  5. P. Goenka-founder and chairman of RPG group (1986-87).

  6. Chirayu Amin-he is the chairman and managing director of alembic pharmaceutical Ltd and alembic group (2000-01).

  7. Rajeev Chandrasekhar-Indian politician of Bharatiya Janata Party (2007-08).

  8. Rajan Mittal-vice chairperson and managing director of Bharti enterprise (2009-10).

  9. Amit Mitra, a famous economist, and the current finance minister of the Indian state of West Bengal was Secretary General, FICCI (1994-2011).

  10. Naina Lal Kidwai is the past president, FICCI. She is the first Indian woman to graduate from Harvard Business School. Currently is the group general manager and country head of HSBC India.

  11. FICCI gives awards to the educational centers which set a benchmark in studies.

  12. FICCI inspired economic nationalism as a political tool to fight against discriminatory economic policies.

  13. FICCI also provides internship programs for students to develop their personal skills.

Sammukta Sur- 13angle

Sammukta Sur



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