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School Of Orthodox Hindu Philosophy- 13angle.com

School of Orthodox Hindu Philosophy

The six schools of Hindu philosophy are called Shatdarshan and include Nyaya, Samkhya, Yoga, Vaisheshika, Purva Mimamsa, and Uttara Mimamsa (Vedanta philosophy). Philosophical System Founder Features Sankhya Kapila This school believes that reality is made up of two principles – Prakriti and Purusha. Prakriti means unconscious matter and Purusha means [...]

Written Notes On Bihar- 13angle.com

Bihar (Creator Of Indian Civilization)

Every corner of Bihar was at the center of India’s ancient civilization glory. Nowadays, Bihar is connected with poverty, bad governance, lawlessness, etc. => Bihar is the Birthplace and origin of many great people:- Emperor Ashoka (Magadha Ruler) Gautam Buddha (Buddhist Founder) Vardhamana Mahavira (Jain Founder) Kautilya (Great Economist) Aryabhatta [...]