He is serving as the 47th Vice Chief of the Air Staff.
He assumed the office on February 1, 2023, succeeding Air Marshal Sandeep Singh.
On December 21st, 1984, he received his commission in the Indian Air Force as a fighter pilot.
He has more than 4900 operational flying hours and a stellar career spanning 38 years.
He has experience flying on a range of fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft and is a qualified flying instructor as well as an experimental test pilot.
He has flown a range of fighter and trainer aircraft.
He has a 38-year career and has held numerous significant positions.
He ran an aviation base as a commandant. He oversees the MiG-27-hosting 22-squadron.
He was the Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment’s, Chief Test Pilot. He held the position of Project Director at the Aeronautical Development Agency’s National Flight Test Center.
He served as Air Vice Marshal, the National Flight Test Center’s Project Director, and the South Western Air Command’s Air Defence Commanding Officer.
He was a key player in the in-flight testing of the HAL Tejas while serving as the team leader in Moscow, Russia, for the MiG-29 upgrade project management team.
He served as the Central Air Command’s Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief (AOC-in-C). He started out in the role of Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief (AOC-in-C), Central Air Command.
Prior to being elevated to the position of AOC-in-C, he held the position of Senior Air Staff Officer for Eastern Air Command.
Honors and Dcorations

- During his career, Air Marshal Amar Preet Singh was awarded the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in 2019 and Param Vishisht Seva Medal in 2023.