Cutting a cake is one of the most popular things people do to celebrate any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, wedding, anniversary, achievement, award ceremony, baby shower, farewell, festivals, etc. Since the cake-cutting ceremony is integral to many of our happy life events, it’s time to learn a few effective ways to cut cake and impress all those around us. These techniques will also help with the even distribution of the cake, especially if it’s not that big and there are many people to share.
Here are five different and effective cake-cutting styles to try:
1. New Triangles
This is one of the most viral and trending styles for cutting cake, with several bakers trying it and posting their guides on social media. Begin by taking a sharp metal scale to cut the cake straight vertically and horizontally into four equal parts. Now do the same diagonally to get eight equal and big slices. Now using a knife, make a cut, slicing each triangle into two. Your cake is now divided into good and equal 16 pieces. (Watch the tutorial here, as shared by @goodberry_byishleen on Instagram.)
2. Lengthwise
This method is perfect for tall cakes. Cut the cake lengthwise and then split it further along its height. You will be left with long strips of cake which you can further split into smaller pieces if there are more people to share. Repeat the steps for the rest of the cake. (Here is an easy guide shared by @bakedbyrylie on Instagram.)
3. Smaller Circle, Squares & Triangles
This is an effective guide for cutting a round cake into multiple pieces. First, cut a smaller circle from the cake. Now make cuts to the outer ring to get small, square pieces. Now the smaller circle left can be sliced into small triangles. You will get lots of pieces, enough to feed a large group. (Here is a video for a demonstration, shared by @cakesbyflynn on Instagram.)
Also Read: Why Do Some Couples Eat Their Wedding Cake A Year Later?
4. Wine Glass
This is a no-brainer that’s meant just for fun. Grab wine glasses, turn them upside down and push them down into the cake so the glass is filled with cake. Take your glass out and eat the cake with a spoon. Make sure you start with the corners. (Here’s a fun video documenting the same, shared by @freshsource on Instagram.)
Also Read: Move Over Cake: 5 Global Birthday Food Traditions That Will Blow Your Mind
5. Good-Old Triangles With A Twist
If you don’t want to experiment, you can stick to the traditional cake-cutting style where triangles are cut out of a round cake. However, a great tip that will improve this style is not inserting the knife from the top, but rather inserting the knife from outside to inside. This will give a clean finish, and the icing won’t mess over the cake sponge. (Here’s a video to help you understand further, shared by @pastryparadise9 on Instagram.)
Which cake-cutting style do you find most effective? Share with us in the comments section.
About Jigyasa KakwaniJigyasa finds her solace through writing, a medium she is exploring to make the world more informed and curious with every story published. She is always up for exploring new cuisines, but her heart comes back to the comforting ghar-ka-khana.