In an exclusive chat with Etimes, Suniel recently spoke about ‘Hera Pheri 3’ and about Akshay finally being a part of the film. Shetty said, “He was never out. It was only the Math that had to perhaps sit in. It might be that certain things were not clear to him. Firoz bhai (Firoz Nadiadwala) and Akshay cracked it. In fact, Akshay used to always tell me that we should do the third part of ‘Hera Pheri’ franchise. That franchise is magic; Paresh bhai (Paresh Rawal) said that when we shot for it.”
The team recently shot for a promo at producer Firoz Nadiadwala’s Empire studio. Suniel was further all praise for Akshay and revealed, “I have always seen Ajay Devgn and Akshay as an inspiration to keep going. Akshay immediately calls me when he sees something. He calls me at 7 am. He called me to say, ‘Ahan is a star’.”
The two actors share a long association and have done many films together right from the 90s. Meanwhile, Etimes had earlier also reported that Farhad Samji has replaced Anees Bazmee as a director on ‘Hera Pheri 3’.
Watch Suniel’s full conversation with Etimes here: