Rakesh Roshan has been among Rishi Kapoor’s closest friends, after the duo met on the sets of ‘Khel Khel Mein’ which also starred Neetu Kapoor. But clearly, even death doesn’t seem to have ended their friendship, if one goes by Roshan’s post. On Rishi’s third death anniversary today, Rakesh dropped a throwback picture with him and wrote, “Chintu you will always remain a friend ❤️”
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Even fans got nostalgic and showered loved on this picture. Actor Ronit Bose Roy wrote, “I think of him so often. I miss him so much.” One user wrote, “Recently watched Khel khel me..awesome movie..but I miss your directorials….Pl give some good movies which you have been always giving..we as fans are waiting!”
In an earlier interview Roshan had spoken about their bonding and said Rishi was childlike. He had said that Kapoor was a foodie and he enjoyed his drinks, though, he didn’t get cancer because of that. Roshan couldn’t meet him when he was diagnosed with Cancer in 2018 and flew to New York, but they would catch up three-four times a week and chat for an hour or more when it would be morning here and night there.
Meanwhile, even Neetu Singh and daughter Riddhima penned emotional notes for the actor today and said they miss him every day.