Junaid Khan, Aamir Khan‘s son, had an unconventional path in cinema, debuting at 30 in a Netflix film. He is now excited for his first theatrical release, Loveyapa, alongside Khushi Kapoor. In a recent interview, Junaid shared that while he enjoys discussing cinema, he prefers not to have those conversations with his father, Aamir Khan.
Junaid mentioned that he has a strong bond with Khushi Kapoor’s father, producer Boney Kapoor, and enjoys spending time with him, as he has a wealth of stories and nearly 50 years of experience in cinema. However, when asked about his father, Aamir Khan, having similar stories and experiences, Junaid surprised everyone with his response.
The young actor further explained that he prefers spending time with Boney Kapoor, likening him to an encyclopedia due to his vast knowledge. He further added that while his father Aamir Khan certainly has a wealth of knowledge, people tend to value the unfamiliar more than what is familiar to them, as the saying goes.
Despite Junaid’s preference for spending time with Boney Kapoor, Aamir Khan has been very supportive during the promotions of Loveyapa. He attended the trailer launch and joined Junaid and Khushi Kapoor on Bigg Boss for promotional activities. Additionally, Aamir is producing Junaid’s next film, which stars Sai Pallavi.