The popularity of actor-filmmaker Rishab Shetty’s latest film Kantara has skyrocketed across the country since its release last month. The movie, which had a quiet release in Karnataka last month, instantly caught the imagination of the audience. Its growth was further aided by the glowing reviews it received from several movie stars across the country. Malayalam star Prithviraj was so impressed with the movie that he took it upon himself to present this film’s Malayalam version in Kerala.
Hombale Films, the producers behind one of this year’s biggest blockbusters KGF: Chapter 2, has also bankrolled Kantara. Even though Kantara is not as expensive as KGF 2, the film has impressed all with its immersive visual style.
Amid the growing popularity of the film across the country, Hombale Films is gearing up to release it in multiple languages starting this week. The film’s Tamil and Telugu versions will open in cinemas on Saturday. And its Hindi version will arrive in cinemas this Friday. It’s said that the film is gearing up for a wide release in the Hindi belt. The producers have flown out the movie’s main cast and crew to Mumbai as part of the promotions. The film has also garnered glowing reviews from media personnel who saw it in a special screening before its Friday release.
It remains to be seen whether all this publicity for Kantara will translate into footfalls at the cinemas in the north belt.
Kantara has already emerged as one of the biggest blockbusters in Karnataka as it has sold tickets worth nearly Rs 60 crore there. And it has also been reported that the Kannada version saw many houseful shows in Kerala as well. If the film continues to maintain this momentum at the box office, it won’t be a surprise if it breaches the Rs 100 crore mark.
Kantara is written and directed by Rishab Shetty, who has also played the lead role in it. The film is based on local folklore and its visual grandeur magnifies the beauty of Karnataka’s hill stations.