Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor, who is looking forward to the release of her next film Mili on November 4, feels her attending an acting school in Los Angeles was “counter-productive”. Instead, the actor says it would have been better had she stayed in India and learnt about the people of her country.
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In a new interview, Janhvi opened up about her experience in LA, where she interacted with people as herself and not as the daughter of late actor Sridevi and Boney Kapoor. Talking to The Bombay Journey’s Siddharth Aalambayan, Janhvi shared, “For the first time, I interacted with a bunch of people who had no clue who my parents were. They actually liked me. So, I thought maybe I have something to offer as a person. They will laugh at my jokes not because my parents are famous, but generally. So it was a good confidence boost. I was independent. Though I wasn’t sincere about attendance, but my teachers loved me.”
Apart from giving her confidence, Janhvi Kapoor’s acting school didn’t prove to be beneficial to her. She said, “Although it opened my eyes a bit, but I was in the lap of luxury and it was counter-productive. LA and America, everything was on fingertips but I didn’t learn anything about my culture and country. It was during Dhadak’s shoot that I realised, ‘main kya bewakoof aurat thi, vahan jaa kar acting seekhi. (I am such a stupid woman to go and learn acting in LA). I should have learnt about our people.”
Janhvi Kapoor made her Bollywood debut with the 2018 film Dhadak. Post that, she starred in films like Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, Roohi, and Good Luck Jerry. Mili marks her sixth Hindi feature film. It has been produced by her father Boney Kapoor.