Actor Janhvi Kapoor is currently being appreciated for her performance in Mili. Besides her fans, the young actor is also known to have a strong friend circle in the film industry, who are often seen cheering for her every time her movie releases. While she is often seen with her friends, Nysa Devgn, Vedant Mahajan and others for dinner or film’s success celebrations, her relationship with old friend Orhan Awatramani has often grabbed many eyeballs. The two of them are rumoured to be dating but nothing has been spoken officially from either of them.
The pair often party together and attend celebrity functions together. Recently, she also attended Orry’s Halloween party, dressed as Patricia Adams, a popular character from The Adams Family story.
Janhvi said, “I have known Orry for years now and he is someone who I not only have so much fun with, but he’s had my back for a long time, and I have had his back. It feels like home when he is around, and I trust him a lot.”
The actor, who will next be seen in Bawaal added, “I think it’s rare to find friends, who will stand up for you the way he stands up for his friends. He is a great guy.”
Janhvi was also recently in news for buying a new house in Mumbai’s Bandra area. The actor, along with father Boney Kapoor and sister Khushi Kapoor, bought a duplex house worth Rs 65 crore. The daughter of late veteran actor Sridevi Kapoor bought the first and second floors of the Kubelisque Building, located in Bandra West’s Pali Hill.
The house is spread over 8,669 square feet, with a carpet area of 6421 sq ft, as per the documents accessed via the real-estate portal The property registration was done on October 12, and Jahnvi is said to have paid Rs 3.90 crore as stamp duty and registration fees.
On the work front, Janhvi’s recent release Mili is getting appreciation from critics. The film is the Hindi remake of Malayalam film Helen and is directed by the original film’s director Mathukutty Xavier. The survival drama also stars Sunny Kaushal and veteran actor Manoj Pahwa.