Actor Deepika Padukone’s comment on her husband Ranveer Singh’s new Instagram post has caught everyone’s attention amid separation rumours on social media. Ranveer took to Instagram and posted a series of pictures in which he wore a bubblegum pink co-ord set. Deepika wrote that he looks “Edible.”
Ranveer, who attended Meta’s creator day 2022 event in Mumbai, also garnered attention from other celebrities for his look. Bollywood celebrities took to the comment section and complimented the actor. Alia Bhatt wrote, “Epic,” and Gauahar Khan said, “Ohhhhhh never looked better Ranveer.”
The actor put on a power-packed show and said in his opening remarks for creators at the event, “You all have affected, shaped, molded… dare I say, become … the culture! And you did it on your own merit! Whatever we have achieved in life, is on merit… with no handouts! There are millions and millions of young people whose lives you touch every day. If I can leave you with one thing, don’t get into the numbers game. Create to express. Create for the joy of creating. Create to spread love and light.”
He was also seen grooving with Tanzanian internet sensation Kili Paul, who is famous for his dance performances on Hindi songs. This was Kili’s first visit to Mumbai. Ranveer will next be seen in the movie Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani opposite Alia Bhatt. He also has Rohit Shetty’s movie Cirkus in the pipeline.