Alia Bhatt is at the top of her game, she recently won her fifth award as Best Actress for Gangubai Kathiawadi. On the personal front, she tied the knot with Ranbir Kapoor last year and became mother to beautiful daughter Raha. She even signed her first International film with Gal Gadot and will soon be teaming up with Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif for Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa.
Talking about Jee Le Zaraa, Alia, in a recent interview, said that she is excited that the movie is sparking new conversations. She further added that since our industry doesn’t churn out many films on female friendships, this one will come as a breather, where the three leading ladies will truly have each other’s back.
The 2 States actor also shared an adorable tidbit about her daughter Raha, who she says is the best thing that has happened to her. Elaborating more, Alia said that Raha has now started to feel her face when she feeds her – it is a bonding and lovable moment between the mother and daughter.
Alia also added that everyday is a new day when it comes to Raha, as the proud mommy witnesses a new milestone and goes through mixed emotions. The actor also added that her daughter has made her more patient, and having a baby and embracing motherhood has given her a sense of stillness, calm and inner strength.
Talking about Jee Le Zaraa, Alia, in a recent interview, said that she is excited that the movie is sparking new conversations. She further added that since our industry doesn’t churn out many films on female friendships, this one will come as a breather, where the three leading ladies will truly have each other’s back.
The 2 States actor also shared an adorable tidbit about her daughter Raha, who she says is the best thing that has happened to her. Elaborating more, Alia said that Raha has now started to feel her face when she feeds her – it is a bonding and lovable moment between the mother and daughter.
Alia also added that everyday is a new day when it comes to Raha, as the proud mommy witnesses a new milestone and goes through mixed emotions. The actor also added that her daughter has made her more patient, and having a baby and embracing motherhood has given her a sense of stillness, calm and inner strength.