From the days of Siddhartha Shankar Ray as CM when the huge immigration of lowly learned population occurred from Bangladesh. The government was in no way ready for that amount of unskilled labor population to provide accommodation in industry or agriculture or clerical government jobs. Along with this, there was a rise in oppression from the Leftist parties in the parliament. As a result, the then WB government made their ultimate mistake, an increase in police oppression on the society(Naxal movement). This struck the last nail on the coffin of the Congress government in WB. After this, quite easily the leftist parties came to power. Among the party, the real leaders didn’t want to participate in the political game of power usurping and hence corruption and hence started the era of a greedy uneducated bunch of thugs as the political heads of our society. These people started giving away various government resources(like clerical jobs, ration cards, voter cards, etc.) in an open market with only the cost of commitment to them in form of vote. This started the entry point of uncontrolled corruption in the administrative structure of the state and hence the country. Along with this, the foreign investment policy and industrialization policies of the government became incapable.
In fact, Kolkata has not been left out in development. The concept of development as interpreted is
- lots of factories puffing smoke and polluting. Most developed nations have cleverly shifted the polluting industries to the third world.
- Banks doing heavy monetary transactions ultimately turn into NPA so that few fake entrepreneurs can live good lifestyles at the cost of the common man’s bank deposits. Most big frauds have taken place from bank branches in Mumbai. Financial Capital? Of course but for fraud.
- It is commendable that with so little development and hardly any land Bengals GDP is sixth among states.
- Among the Indian institutes, Kolkata University is placed second after IIS Bangalore in the world ratings 2021
- Culturally Kolkata is at least a hundred years ahead of many Indian cities.
What I mean is how you define development matters. We need to define our own parameters.

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