It has been dubbed “the destruction of democracy.” After the conflicts of 1962 and 1971, it was just the third time the Emergency was called. People were imprisoned without their consent. The media was under the control of the government. Many people were forcefully sterilized. Many more were assassinated by the regime directly. We would have gone the Pakistani tyranny route if it hadn’t been for the much-vilified RSS and the Left. The lives of ordinary people have both positive and negative consequences.
The negative consequences were as follows:
- As part of family planning, forcing males to get a nasbandi (vasectomy).
- Apart from politicians, a large number of people have been imprisoned without trial. Those in positions of authority often utilized it to settle personal scores.
- Press freedom has been stifled.
There were some positive elements as well: –
- Government machinery began to function more effectively as a result of the intense strain they were under to perform or perish.
- The workforce began to work in offices at a later date, which improved the lives of ordinary people.
- For a change, trains used to run on schedule.
- Complaints were feared by government employees because they would result in fast action.
Strikes were no longer common, and industries were pleased as well. With the exception of limited freedom, common men, in my opinion, were happy. However, in India, we value freedom above all other material goods. This resulted in the first alternative coalition government in 1977, which lasted for a year and a half, and Smt Indira Gandhi was returned to power in the next general election.