Late actor Vidya Sinha was known for appearing in those lesser-commercial, non-dramatic films like Rajnigandha, Chhoti Si Baat, and her restrained performances in these films, along with those relatable costumes and characters, had the audience believing that there was more to being a female actor than just being dolled up in glamorous outfits. Vidya, in a 2015 interview, shared that she learned the craft of acting on the sets of Basu Chatterjee’s 1974 film Rajnigandha so it must have come as a pleasant surprise to the actor when Raj Kapoor offered her a leading part in one of his films but Vidya chose to let go of the opportunity.
In a 2015 interview with, Vidya revealed that she was offered the lead role in Satyam Shivam Sundaram but she chose not to do it because she was not comfortable wearing the clothes that came with the character. Satyam Shivam Sundaram’s lead character Rupa is perceived as a ‘not-so-beautiful’ woman by societal standards but the director chooses to sexualise her at every given opportunity. Vidya had then said, “I did not take up Satyam Shivam Sundaram because I was not comfortable wearing the clothes that Zeenat Aman wore.”
She added, “I was offered Satyam Shivam Sundaram, but I did not take it, as I was not comfortable wearing the clothes that Zeenat Aman wore. Rajji (Raj Kapoor) and my grandfather were very close and he had worked with my grandfather in a film (Dil Ki Rani, 1947). His dad, Prithviraj, also worked with my grandfather (in Shri Krishnarjun Yudh, 1945). We knew each other really well but still, I told him I wouldn’t be comfortable acting in his film.” Her maternal grandfather was director Mohan Sinha.
Even though Vidya refused the film because she would not be comfortable in the costumes, she regretted refusing the part. “It was the dream of every girl to work with Raj Kapoor and so I still regret saying no to him and not working with him as I always wanted to work with him,” she said. Not just Vidya, Hema Malini also refused the part. Raj Kapoor’s daughter Ritu Nanda’s book ‘Raj Kapoor Speaks’ revealed that at one point, he wanted to cast Lata Mangeshkar in the role of Rupa and it is no surprise that Lata didi did not star in this film.
Vidya Sinha enjoyed a few good years in Hindi movies and later made a comeback via television serials. She passed away in 2019 in Mumbai.