Indian cinema’s superstar Shah Rukh Khan recently celebrated three decades in the industry. Over the years, Shah Rukh has amassed a lot of fans and their undying love for him and everything he does. While many find him witty, some find him charming, some adore his looks or a section of them think he has never been given enough credit for his acting chops. Either way, he has their attention.
This attention was at its height in the late 90s and early noughties, when people from all over the world began to recognise King Khan and what he stood for. During one such interview with CNN, Shah Rukh was asked if he himself has been able to figure out the reason behind his unmatched, rare success.
The actor said he has little clue about his magic, and claimed in the same breath that the fame must have little do with how he looks, because he isn’t conventionally good-looking: “I don’t know myself, most friends laugh at me that I have become a film star, especially the actresses who worked with me earlier on, their first reaction was eeks. They find it very surprising, they think I am a long-running fluke.”
Speaking about his looks, the actor added, “I find it funny when people find me good-looking, I find it embarrassing actually. I am very ordinary in my films and that makes it special, because there is no other reason (behind their success). I work hard, I am very honest with the work I do. Besides that it could be luck, god has blessed me, people have been kind, or it could be that 100 million Indians are very short-sighted,” Shah Rukh concluded with a laugh.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan is currently awaiting the release of his next, Pathaan, which his comeback to movies after a gap of over four years. He also has Dunki and Jawan in his kitty.