Telugu Cinema is going great guns with back to back releases since the start of the year, from Ram Charan’s Game Changer, to Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Daaku Maharaj to Venkatesh’s Sankranthiki Vasthunam. In India, Game Changer has already entered the Rs 100 crore club, and Daaku Maharaj is nearing Rs 75 crore, but both films have been pegged at budgets of Rs 300 crore and Rs 100 crore respectively. But in the middle of all this, it is Venkatesh’s family entertainer directed by Anil Ravipudi which is enjoying a lot of love.
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The film, in just five days of its release has earned over Rs 93 crore and its collection has stayed steady with each passing day. To cash in on Pongal festival, the film was released on Tuesday, and minted Rs 23 crore on its opening day, and followed it up with collection like Rs 20 crore ( Day 2), Rs 17.5 crore ( Day 3 ) , Rs 16 crore ( Day 4) and Rs 17.25 crore ( Day 5) .
In fact, the film is also enjoying a great run in North America, which has become the biggest market for Telugu cinema outside of India. The film has minted over US $ 1.8 million, and already entered the profit zone for the distributors. In recent times, the film has become one rare film which was acquired at relatively low cost, and has helped everyone involved to turn profit with its release. And it has also become the biggest box office opening for Venkatesh, who has been in films for almost 4 decades now.
The film stars names like Meenaakshi Chaudhary, Aishwarya Rajesh and Upendra Limaye.