The film that hit theatres on Friday, earned just around Rs 50 lakh, according to early estimates. This set it up as the highest-earning film on Friday, beating out competition from domestic markets. The film’s debut collection was just above the Ajay Devgn’s sports drama ‘Maidaan’ which also earned an estimated Rs 50 lakh and Ajay Devgn and Tiger Shroff‘s ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ which earned an estimated Rs 30 lakh.
The Ryan and Emily starrer, romantic-action-comedy hit theatres worldwide on Friday, May 3. The film is the first release for both actors, since their phenomenal run at the box office last year with the release of ‘Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’. While ‘The Fall Guy’ has not reached the box office heights of the epic ‘Barbenheimer’, it has reportedly raked in an estimated $8.7 million from international markets on its opening day and other preview shows.
According to reports on Variety, the film is gearing up for a debut earning of an estimated $30 million. Some studio executives even speculate an opening weekend haul ranging between $35 million to $40 million. If Friday’s collections are anything to go by, the film could just see some growth over the weekend, thanks to the good word of mouth and 86% critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Despite its promising potential, the film comes with a hefty price tag, boasting a production budget of $130 million. To secure profitability, ‘The Fall Guy’ will have to rely heavily on positive word-of-mouth and international success.
Directed by David Leitch, the film follows Gosling’s character, an ex-stuntman lured back into the industry to work on a colossal studio production helmed by his former flame, portrayed by Blunt.
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