Bigg Boss 15 winner Tejasswi Prakash has given her own twist to a popular Instagram trend. The reel has social media users saying ‘mujhe nahi pata hai, mujhse mat pucho na’ (I don’t know, so don’t ask me). In her video, Tejasswi wrote, “Paps: Shaadi kab hogi” as she goes on to sing the trending lines. The reel comes in the wake of her fans and paparazzi continuously questioning her and boyfriend Karan Kundrra about their marriage plans.
The Naagin 6 actor also penned her thoughts on marriage in the caption. She wrote, “But on a serious note. It’s always better to be sure than sorry, This is especially for all the girls out there. Take all the time you need to be sure.”
As expected, Tejasswi Prakash‘s post received a lot of love from fans. While many remarked how pretty she looked, some fans commented that they too are bothered by people’s inquisitiveness about her personal life. “Hum bhi ayse pareshan Ho jate hain ,” wrote a follower, while another added, “Ekdum sahi bola.” A few of Karan and Tejasswi’s fans, however, also posted how they do want to see them getting married soon.
Tejasswi Prakash and Karan Kundrra, or Tejran as they are popularly called, proclaimed their love on Bigg Boss 15. Their parents also approved of their relationship on national television. On the show, Karan had even confessed that a pandit has told him that he will get married soon. Earlier this year, when we had quizzed Tejasswi if marriage is on the cards, she said, “I don’t know, Karan hasn’t asked me yet.”
Tejasswi further shared that Karan already feels he is ready to get married. “Karan also made it clear to me that if your parents don’t agree, main utha ke le jaunga (I will run away with you). So I don’t think I am left with much of a choice (laughs),” she said, adding that henceforth all relationship-related questions should only be addressed to Karan.
While Tejasswi Prakash is currently busy playing a double role in Naagin 6, Karan Kundrra was last seen hosting Dance Deewane Juniors.