According to ANI, the Maharashtra Cyber Cell summoned Tamannaah for questioning in connection with the illegal streaming the match on the Fairplay App that caused a loss of crores of Rupees to Viacom.”She has been asked to appear before Maharashtra Cyber Cell on 29th April,” read the statement.
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Additionally, actor Sanjay Dutt was also summoned in this connection on 23rd April but he failed to appear before them. “He had, instead, sought a date and time for recording his statement and said that he was not in India on the date,” the statement clarified.
Reports suggest that as Tamannaah’s name surfaced in connection with the app, the authorities are trying to seek clarification regarding her role in the matter.
The investigation into the illegal streaming case dates back to September 2023 when the network lodged a complaint alleging infringement of their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) by the app. Despite the network acquiring exclusive rights to stream the matches, the app was reportedly broadcasting it “illegally”, resulting in losses allegedly exceeding Rs 100 crore.
Following the FIR, several prominent figures from the entertainment industry, including Badshah, Jacqueline Fernandez, Tamannaah Bhatia and Sanjay Dutt, have been summoned for questioning.
The investigation took a significant turn in December 2023 when an employee of the Fair Play app was arrested in connection with the case.