Celebrity fashion designer Manish Malhotra designed the costumes of Alia Bhatt, Sidharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan, and other cast members of Karan Johar’s Student of the Year. The film completed ten years of release on Wednesday. While Manish was on the set of the film, many believed that Sidharth is his relative. But, recently, the designer revealed that not Sidharth, but Varun is a family member.
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In a new interview, Manish shared that Varun Dhawan is his nephew but because of Sidharth’s jawline, which looks quite similar to his, everyone thought that the latter is related to him. He told News18, “Everyone during SOTY thought Sidharth was related to me because of the surname and the genetic jawline, of course, but in actuality, it’s Varun who’s my nephew. His mother is my cousin. So, the irony kind of always made me chuckle.”
The designer also spoke about his equation with Karan Johar, with whom he has been working for over three decades. Today, the two share “mutual understanding and unspoken trust”.
Manish said, “His (Karan) films have a major quotient of glamour and he unabashedly and unapologetically owns it and I share the same vision when it comes to my clothes. And this spirit is what I have always strived to reflect in the costumes I design for his films.”
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Student of the Year was a high-school campus drama. It was a story about friendship, with a romantic angle thrown in. Alia, Sidharth and Varun played the students of St. Teresa, a prestigious high school where they fall in love and their love triangle becomes the centre of the story.
The film also starred Rishi Kapoor, Ronit Roy, Ram Kapoor, Sana Saeed and Farida Jalal among others. The film was a success and spawned a sequel, which had Tiger Shroff, Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria in the lead role. Karan Johar, who directed the film, recently shared how for him Student of the Year is “the celebration of everything I love about cinema.”