Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter, actor-to-be Suhana Khan, has been making headlines ever since she was born, but more so after the trailer for her debut movie The Archies was released. The star-kid has become a little more active on Instagram, as she builds towards her long-awaited acting debut. Suhana recently took to her Instagram account and shared some gorgeous pictures of herself, wearing a Manish Malhotra saree. She debuted the look at the designer’s Diwali party on Thursday.
While Bollywood celebrities quickly took to the comments section and complimented Suhana, Shah Rukh had an interesting question. He wrote, “The speed at which they grow up, defies the laws of time….so elegant & graceful ( did u tie the saree urself??!! ).” Suhana replied, “@iamsrk love youuu uhh no @gaurikhan did it for me .” Her mother, Gauri Khan, also took to the comments section and wrote, “Sarees are so timeless.”
Her childhood best friends, Shanaya Kapoor and Ananya Panday, turned simps as they wrote, “Can’t take my eyes offff youuu,” and “You’re just too good to be trueeeeee.” Shweta Bachchan commented, “Gorgeous,” and designer Masaba Gupta said, “Beauty.” Zoya Akhtar, who is directing Suhana in The Archies, also dropped red heart emoticons.
Suhana wore golden sarees to both Diwali events that she attended this week. On Friday, she attended Bhumi Pednekar’s Diwali bash with her brother, Aryan Khan.
Suhana will make her acting debut with the Netflix film The Archies. The film also stars Agastya Nanda, Khushi Kapoor, Mihir Ahuja, Dot., Vedang Raina and Yuvraj Menda.