Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor took to Instagram and penned a sweet message for ‘fun’ uncle Sanjay Kapoor on his 60th birthday. Sonam dropped some unseen pictures where a young Sanjay is seen playing and having a fun time with Sonam and sister Rhea Kapoor. The actor who has appeared in films such as Prem and Raja has found another lease of life on OTT recently.
She wrote in the caption, “Happy happy birthday chachu! We love you! To the funnest coolest uncle, we hope we always party with you! Jiyo hazaro saal! Happy 60!” Sanjay replied in the comment section and wrote, “Love you too.”
Sanjay celebrated his birthday in Dubai with family and friends. The midnight birthday party saw the Kapoor brothers– Anil Kapoor, Boney Kapoor and Sanjay hit the dance floor as they all partied their way through the night. Sanjay’s daughter Shanaya Kapoor and wife Maheep Kapoor were all dolled up for the party in beautiful outfits. Farah Khan, Chunky Panday, Bhavana Panday and Seema Sajdeh were also present at the bash. Punjabi singer Sukhbir was seen performing at the birthday party.
Photos and videos of Sanjay cutting a huge cake have surfaced online and the actor is all smiles in the pictures. Recently, talking about his family, Sanjay had told IANS, “It has been quite an eventful time at home. From Anil’s successful box office run with ‘Jug Jug Jiyo’, Arjun’s ‘Ek Villain Returns‘ and the excitement around my show, the family has a lot to celebrate.”
On the work front, Sanjay was recently seen in the second season of Gone Game. His daughter, Shanaya is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar’s Bedhadak