Actor Akshay Kumar on Thursday launched the song “Jai Shri Ram” from his upcoming film Ram Setu in Mumbai. Director Abhishek Sharma was also present at the song launch. Abhishek spoke about how he came up with the idea of making Ram Setu during the Covid 19-induced lockdown.
The director shared, “During the pandemic in 2020, a thought came to me and I began to work on it. I called up Akshay Kumar and he asked me if I had written a screenplay. I wrote it and sent it to him. Akshay sir and Vikram sir (Vikram Sharma of Abundantia Entertainment) jammed on it. We all liked the idea and decided to take this journey together. I thank them for supporting my vision.”
Akshay Kumar thanked his fans for supporting him throughout his career and said the song “Jai Shri Ram” makes him feel “positive”. “Jai Shri Ram, the anthem of Ram Setu, will bring a positive energy in you,” Akshay shared.
“I am thankful to my fans and the media. We are presenting an anthem to you all and we hope you all like it. This (anthem) will sum up the entire film in 2.15 mins. You will understand what the film is trying to say and what it is about,” the actor concluded.
Ram Setu, produced by Cape of Good Films, Abundantia Entertainment, Lyca Productions and Amazon Prime Video, is slated to release on October 25.