Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao who was recently seen in the movie Monica O My Darling, opened up about the time when he met Shah Rukh khan for the first time, calling it ‘special’ and ‘surreal’. The actor said that the fact that SRK was aware of him and his work made him feel special.
In a new video released by Netflix, Rajkummar recalled the year 2014 when he first met SRK and said, “I was shooting something and he was there as well. I thought I have to definitely meet him because I have grown up watching him. So I sent him a message and I was called to his vanity van.”
Rajkummar said that seeing Shah Rukh in front of him, who he was used to seeing on billboards, was surreal for him. “He was sitting there in front of his mirror and he saw me and said, ‘Raaj come come.’ We all know how charming he is. I was awestruck,” he added.
The actor continued by saying that he initially thought he needed to introduce himself to SRK, but was startled to learn that SRK already knew everything about him. SRK said to Rajkummar, “Congratulations you won the National award for Shahid, City Lights is coming next right?” Rajkummar said that it is SRK’s quality to make everyone feel special and said that it was indeed a surreal moment for him.
On the work front, Rajkummar’s Monica O My Darling is currently streaming on Netflix and the film also stars Huma Qureshi and Radhika Apte. He will next be seen in Mr and Mrs Mahi and Guns And Gulaabs.