Even as Rajinikanth’s upcoming film Jailer is in production, the superstar has signed not one but two movies with the biggest production house in Tamil cinema, Lyca Productions. According to reports, Lyca Production’s Subhaskaran met Rajinikanth at his residence and the two have signed a deal for two films.
On top of that, it is said that both movies will be officially announced on November 5.
#Thalaivar @rajinikanth Signed two films with LYCA PRODUCTIONS ,Pooja For the Both films will happen on NOV 5 in Chennai! 🤩🔥
Thalaivar #Rajinikanth with Lyca Chairman #Subaskaran , Lyca Head #Tamilkumaran & Deputy chairman #Premsivasamy! ⭐@LycaProductions pic.twitter.com/vi3EVEgPw3
— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) October 28, 2022
Earlier, it was speculated that Rajinikanth is teaming up with Cibi Chakaravarthi, who made his debut with Sivakarthikeyan’s Don. Rajinikanth, who was impressed by Don, had plans of joining hands with the newcomer. It is now rumoured that the movie is part of the two-film deal between Lyca Productions and Rajinikanth.
On top of that there’s another interesting rumor that’s making the rounds of social media, which claims that Rajinikanth is teaming up with Mani Ratnam for a film. Both Ratnam and Rajinikanth have a great equation with Lyca Productions. Ratnam’s Madras Talkies and Lyca teamed up to make Ponniyin Selvan, and the first part has turned out to be a big hit. On the other hand, Rajinikanth and Lyca have collaborated for Shankar’s 2.0 and AR Murugadoss’s Darbar.
If the rumours turn out to be true, then it only means that Tamil film industry will start 2023 on a great note.
Meanwhile, Rajinikanth is busy wrapping up Jailer, which is directed by Nelson Dilipkumar of Doctor fame.