Veteran actor Neetu Kapoor, took to her Instagram handle on Sunday and shared a monochrome picture of late actor Rishi Kapoor and said that she was missing him. In the picture, Rishi has closed his eyes with a finger on his lips. She wrote in the caption, “Miss your noise ( Red heart emoticon) it’s too quiet”.
After Neetu shared the picture, daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, actors Anushka Sharma, Varun Dhawan and designer Manish Malhotra dropped red heart emoticon in the comment section and sent their love.
Neetu, also shared some unseen pictures of son, actor Ranbir Kapoor from his look test for Brahmastra. The pictures which were shot in Bulgaria, show Ranbir in a bare-chest look where he is flaunting his toned physique and six-pack abs.
The pictures were originally shared by Ranbir’s coach Kunal Gir on his Instagram handle. He wrote in the caption, “This one is for all the Ranbir Kapoor fans. These are unseen pics taken during a look test in Bulgaria.”
Ranbir had earlier revealed during the promotions of Brahmastra that he misses his father, Rishi, terribly. Speaking about how Rishi would have reacted to Brahmastra, the actor told India today, “It is difficult to say because he was very critical of even Ayan’s work. But my father has always been a box office guy. He was always very respectful of the numbers and how the film fared at the ticket window. I think by seeing the collections of Brahmastra he would have been very happy but he would still add that let’s see how the second weekend fares.” According to reports, Brahmastra has collecte Rs. 350 crores worldwide.