Aamir Khan returned to the big screen after a gap of four years with Laal Singh Chaddha, and even though the film tanked at the box office, Aamir is still the ‘Mr Perfectionist’ of the industry. The actor, who received criticism for his Punjabi accent in the movie, trained for eight months to perfect his delivery.
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In a new behind-the-scenes video released by Netflix, Aamir explained that they could not have the main character speak in authentic Punjabi because people would not understand, which is why they tried to maintain a proper balance, so that audiences around the country could follow what was being said.
In the video, Aamir is seen trying to live up to the ‘perfectionist’ tag as he repeats his lines over and over again until he has got it down. When his ex-wife Kiran Rao reminded everyone that it is a Hindi movie, Aamir is seen attempting to tone down his Punjabi accent a little more. Reacting to the criticism of his Punjabi accent, Aamir had said in a media interaction, “Agar mein theth Punjabi bolunga toh baki logon ko nahi samaj aayega… aapko samaj aa jayega.”
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Kiran, who is also the producer, revealed that it took them time to perfect the high-waisted pants and said, “I always knew that it was too much.” The video also shows Aamir micromanaging every aspect of his character’s look, from the material of Laal’s shirt, to the wear-and-tear of his shoes, and the appearance of his turban.
Aamir stated that he aimed to convey the same strength and innocence that was seen in Forrest Gump, on which Laal Singh Chaddha is based. The film is directed by Advait Chandan, and also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan, Mona Singh, and others. It made Rs 130 crore worldwide, against a budget of Rs 180 crore.