Harsh Saluja from Gujarat was the latest contestant to take the hot seat on Amitabh Bachchan-hosted Kaun Banega Crorepati. During the course of the show, the actor was asked by the participant about how he addresses his actor-wife Jaya Bachchan. Senior Bachchan refused to divulge details and lightly said in Hindi, “Yes, I do use a special name, but why should I tell you that?”
Harsh then confessed that he sometimes calls his wife Ritu Boo or Bae, and that maybe Big B too should consider calling Jaya something similar. “I was born in Uttar Pradesh. The word ‘bae’ has altogether a different meaning,” the veteran artiste responded before demonstrating via an example what he meant: “Kyu be kaise ho tum?” (Hey, how are you?).
Later, they even discussed football matches as Harsh complained that his wife doesn’t let him stay up late in the night to watch the game. Bachchan requested the wife on his behalf to let Harsh watch a game or two if he so pleases, while his wife Ritu claimed that she has never forbidden Harsh from watching football.
Harsh was playing fine until he reached the question for Rs 12, 50,000. As he gave the wrong answer, Harsh’s prize money was reduced and he ultimately walked away with Rs 3,20,000 from the game show.
Kaun Banega Crorepati, which began airing on Star Plus in 2000, is currently in its 14th season. While most of the seasons have been hosted by Amitabh Bachchan, superstar Shah Rukh Khan also appeared as its host for the third season of the show to lukewarm reception.
In an earlier chat, Big B had shed light on what keeps him going, as far as KBC is concerned. Talking to indianexpress.com, the actor said, “The people who come on set here. They are the ones who get me back. The way they welcome me when I enter the stage, and the way they encourage the contestants who are on the hot seat. That’s what makes me come back season after season.”
KBC 14 airs every Monday to Friday at 9 pm on Sony TV.