Satyaprem Ki Katha has received immense love from the audience and Arjun Aneja has been in the limelight for his role as Tapan in film. Arjun, who has done shows like Balika Vadhu, Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi in the past, is seen in the bad boy image in the Kartik Aaryan-Kiara Advani starrer film.Satyaprem Ki Katha has received immense love from the audience and Arjun Aneja has been in the limelight for his role as Tapan in film. Arjun, who has done shows like Balika Vadhu, Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi in the past, is seen in the bad boy image in the Kartik Aaryan-Kiara Advani starrer film.