Kareena Kapoor was rather unsettled as she was hounded by several fans at the airport. The actor was seen at the Mumbai airport late on Sunday night, accompanied by her son Jeh. In a video caught by a pap, she is seen looking rather hassled after a man tried to hold her for a selfie. Her security team intervened and made sure she had space to walk through.
In the video, Kareena steps out of the car and is surrounded by fans. The actor looks distinctly upset as a fan tries to hold her for a photo but calms down quickly and continues to pose for photos with fans. Her nanny stepped out with Jeh a few seconds later. Fans were rather upset and wrote in her defence, “This is not right, fans should know how to behave.” Another added, “She really got scared….ppl must be a lil sensitive…they’re also humans.” One wrote, “It’s actually frightening ya. How can anyone enjoy clicking by making them uncomfortable.”
Yesterday, paps shared a video of Kareena unveiling her new Mercedes Benz, and her son Jeh got to get the first ride.
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor was last seen in the film Laal Singh Chaddha, which did not perform well at the box office. She has also wrapped up the series Devotion Of Suspect X, and is now heading to London to shoot for her next film, which will be helmed by Hansal Mehta and produced by Ekta Kapoor. Kareena had announced the film last year, and referred to it as ‘new beginnings’.