As no new films released during the Diwali holiday have widespread acceptance, Kantara continues gaining ground at the box office. The Tamil version, which first opened on a limited number of screens a couple of weeks ago, has grown in strength since. The film is now available on 100 plus screens in Tamil Nadu, despite last week’s release of two new movies – Karthi’s Sardar and Sivakarthikeyan’s Prince.
Kantara received a boost with the who’s who of the Tamil film industry openly heaping praise on the movie, which is written, directed and performed by Rishab Shetty. The latest to do so was Superstar Rajinikanth, who termed the film “the masterpiece of Indian cinema”.
In the Telugu states, Kantara has exceeded all expectations. The Telugu version has become one of the most profitable ventures for its distributor Allu Aravind of Geetha Arts in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with over Rs 32 crore in collections. “#KantaraTelugu States will have its bestest screens count (700+) of its run this week (Oct 28- Nov 4). Hundreds of Theatres are adding with no noted releases and none of the Diwali movies are performing on weekdays. Geetha Released it on 10% commission basis. Gross ₹32 Cr apx (sic),” tweeted
The Hindi version of Kantara is also maintaining a steady trend at the box office despite two big releases, Akshay Kumar’s Ram Sethu and Ajay Devgan’s Thank God. The film has collected nearly Rs 30 crore in the Hindi belt and is not showing any signs of slowing down yet. “#Kantara *#Hindi version* is unstoppable… The #Diwali period has given a boost to its biz… [Week 2] Fri 2.05 cr, Sat 2.55 cr, Sun 2.65 cr, Mon 1.90 cr, Tue 2.35 cr, Wed 2.60 cr. Total: ₹ 29.10 cr. #India biz. Nett BOC,” tweeted trade analyst Taran Adarsh.
#Kantara *#Hindi version* is unstoppable… The #Diwali period has given a boost to its biz… [Week 2] Fri 2.05 cr, Sat 2.55 cr, Sun 2.65 cr, Mon 1.90 cr, Tue 2.35 cr, Wed 2.60 cr. Total: ₹ 29.10 cr. #India biz. Nett BOC.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 27, 2022
#KantaraTelugu States will have its bestest screens count (700+) of its run this week (Oct 28- Nov 4). Hundreds of Theatres are adding with no noted releases and none of the Diwali movies are performing on weekdays. Geetha Released it on 10% commission basis. Gross ₹32 Cr apx.
— AndhraBoxOffice.Com (@AndhraBoxOffice) October 27, 2022
According to another trade analyst Ramesh Bala, Kantara out earned director Mani Ratnam’s latest blockbuster Ponniyin Selvan: 1 in the Hindi belt. “#Kantara Hindi has crossed #PS1 Hindi Lifetime Nett in India.,” he tweeted.
As per media reports, Kantara has collected more than Rs 200 crore from its worldwide ticket sales. Karnataka remains the film’s most profitable market to date where it is said to have sold Rs 100 crore worth of tickets.