Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, took to Instagram on Sunday and recalled an incident when she was called a ‘witch’. The actor also revealed that an editor of a leading publication had written an article about her claiming that Kangana possessed ‘black magic’ skills.
Sharing a video of Sadhuguru speaking about how women were burnt alive 200 years ago, because they were considered to be witches, the actor wrote, “If you have super powers you will be called a witch…I was called a witch but I didn’t let them burn me…instead I…he he he I must be a real witch wohahaa aabra ka dabra.”
The actor then recalled how it was claimed earlier that she practiced black magic.
She concluded by saying, “Ha ha those days were fun, no one could figure with no filmi background, education, guidance, agency, groups or friends/boyfriends I made it to the top… so they all collectively came up with one answer BLACK MAGIC !!”
Kangana’s Raaz: The Mystery Continues co-star and ex-boyfriend, Adhyayan Suman, had claimed earlier that Kangana made him drink her period blood. However, Kangana later spoke about the allegations and said in an interview with NDTV, “It doesn’t upset me when people call me names and talk about my period blood – but just don’t call it gross. Because there is nothing gross about period blood.”
On the work front, Kangana will next be seen in the period drama Emergency as Indira Gandhi, which she has also helmed.