Kajol, the well-known actor, turned heads with her graceful appearance as she visited a Durga Puja pandal in Mumbai’s Juhu. She was attired in a bright yellow saree and a red blouse, accompanied by understated jewelry, and her hair was neatly tied in a bun. Kajol celebrates the Durga Puja festival with great enthusiasm each year.
Durga Puja, also known as Durgotsava or Sharodotsava, is an annual Hindu festival that honors the goddess Durga and commemorates her victory over the demon Mahishasur.
In her recent professional endeavors, Kajol made her debut on an OTT platform with the courtroom drama series ‘The Trial’.
She also celebrated the 28th anniversary of her iconic romantic drama film ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge‘ on that very day. Kajol posted on Instagram, reminiscing about her time working on the film and expressing her gratitude to the fans who have turned it into a lasting legacy.
‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge ‘, often referred to as DDLJ, was released in 1995. It’s a romantic drama directed by Aditya Chopra. The film stars Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol in the lead roles and has become one of the most iconic and beloved Indian movies of all time.
Kajol visits Durga Puja pandal in Juhu, exudes elegance and grace in a yellow saree
The story follows Raj and Simran, two characters who meet and fall in love during a trip to Europe. However, their love faces cultural and familial challenges, making it a classic tale of love, tradition, and the importance of family values.
The film is renowned for its unforgettable music, stunning locations, and the on-screen chemistry between Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol.