Bollywood actor Jaya Bachchan recently revealed that actor, husband Amitabh Bachchan’s father Harivansh Rai Bachchan did not allow the couple (unmarried then) to go on a trip together. The veteran actor said that they preponed the wedding because Amitabh’s father had said, “If you want to go for a holiday with her, you marry her.”
In one of the episodes of the podcast series What The Hell Navya, Jaya said, “He (Amitabh) called me and said, ‘My parents are saying you can’t go for a holiday with Jaya. If you want to go for a holiday with her, you marry her.’ He said, ‘What do you think?’ I said, ‘Well we were planning to get married in October so it’s okay we will do it in June.’”
“We had decided we will get married in October because by then my work would have reduced. He said, ‘I definitely don’t want a wife who will be 9-5. Please work. You must work but not every day. You choose your projects, work with the right people,’” she added.
Jaya Bachchan also said that her father was not very happy with the decision. She said, “I said, ‘But you will have to speak to my parents.’ He (Amitabh) called my father and spoke to him. My father wasn’t very happy. My father never wanted me to get married. We were three sisters. He said, ‘I have not brought you into this world to just educate yourself, get married and settle down and have children. I want you all to do something in life.’ That was my father. And then he (Amitabh) spoke to my father who said, ‘That’s fine. We don’t want a big wedding. My parents are alive. I want them to attend.’”