After facing intense scrutiny when she was questioned in Rs 200 crore alleged fraud in which conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar is the prime accused, actor Jacqueline Fernandez is finally getting back to work. The actor has kickstarted shoot for Crakk-Jeetegaa Toh Jiyegaa in Poland. Joining her in this action-packed drama are Vidyut Jammwal and Arjun Rampal. Written and directed by Aashiq Banaya Aapne fame Aditya Datt, the film will bring to fore the journey of a man from the slums of Mumbai to the world of extreme underground sports.
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As per press statement shared by the team, Crack is going to be ‘India’s first-ever extreme sports action film’. It further read that Vidyut, who is also the co-producer of the film, will be “seen performing a variety of extreme sports stunts and action sequences all on his own”. Crakk will mark the second outing of Vidyut and Aditya after the successful Commando 3.
Talking about bagging the action drama, Jacqueline Fernandez, in a statement said, “I was thoroughly impressed by the script narration of Crakk and immediately decided to be a part of such a unique story. I am really looking forward to working with Vidyut and the rest of the team.”
Jacqueline Fernandez has been keeping a low profile after she was named as an accused in a Rs 200 crore extortion case against alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekar. Just three weeks ago, Jacqueline was granted interim bail. The actor had confessed to receiving luxury cars and other expensive gifts from Chandrashekar. The next hearing for the case would be on October 22.
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Expressing his excitement about the project, Vidyut Jammwal shared that looking at the current scenario and the way the audiences have changed, he has realised that everyone puts limits on everything they do, and it spreads in work, and the environment. “This changing scenario has confirmed that there are no limits but only plateaus and we must not stay there. We must go beyond them. Hence a movie on extreme sports from India,” he added.
Arjun Rampal heaped praises on Vidyut, calling him a phenomenal athlete and shared that he’s learning something from him every day. “His dedication to perfect action sequences is truly commendable.”
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Director Aditya Datt on his part said, “After the success of ‘Table No 21’ back in 2012, I was told it was way ahead of its time, as it was a thriller that revolved around live-streamed games. I guess they were talking about today when time has indeed changed. Crakk is a script I have been working on for the last four years, to up the game and challenge oneself, by narrating a story that has sports, gaming, action, drama, and thrill.”
Crakk will be jointly produced by Vidyut Jammwal, Parag Sanghvi, and Action Hero Films. It will be released in 2023.