Actor Hrithik Roshan shared a heartfelt note after his latest film Vikram-Vedha failed to perform as expected at the box office during the first weekend. The actor also posted a video where he’s seen cutting sacred thread around his wrist, and mentioned that it was a ritual that he had been following for years now and it was his way of ‘letting go’ of Vedha. The film follows Saif Ali Khan as Vikram, a cop, chasing down a dreaded gangster Vedha, played by Hrithik. The film received good reviews and positive word of mouth but it didn’t translate into box office numbers.
Hrithik tweeted, “Vedha has been a terrific journey. Thru him I learnt to be. At peace with my failings. Unafraid and unapologetic. I will always be grateful to my directors and writers @PushkarGayatri for creating this opportunity. Thank you Vedha. I let go With love and gratitude.” In a lengthier note he explained, “I don’t know exactly when I started doing this (tying the thread). Or even why. I realised I’ve done this for every character that secretly terrified me. Mostly it’s a red mauli (Kabir wore that), or a black thread. Can’t even remember when I started doing this. Was it Kaho Na Pyaar Hai? Or Koi Mil Gaya, much later? Will have to go back and check my wrists or neck in those films.”
Vedha has been a terrific journey. Thru him I learnt to be. At peace with my failings. Unafraid and unapologetic. I will always be grateful to my directors and writers @PushkarGayatri for creating this opportunity.
Thank you Vedha.
I let go
With love and gratitude— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) October 3, 2022
He added that he ties the thread as it is a symbol of the commitment he makes to himself before he begins shooting for a film. Hrithik mentioned that the ritual of cutting the thread has always been confusing and he tried doing so after Vedha, but couldn’t. “When I finally did, the question I did ask myself had a satisfactory answer, ‘Did I give this everything I had?’ ‘Can I do more?’ It’s a question that scares me, drives me and keeps me searching for more.”
Hrithik ended the note with the words, “Thank you, Vedha. I let go. With love and gratitude.”
Vikram Vedha, despite glowing reviews, could only rake in around Rs 38-39 crore on its first weekend. Nevertheless, considering its still in its early days and the festive season is just beginning, there is still hope that the film can still pick up pace. The film also had to put up with tough competition from Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan, which stormed the box office over the weekend.