Comedy drama series Hostel Daze is all set to return on Amazon Prime Video with its third season. Ahsaas Channa, Luv Vispute, Shubham Gaur, Nikhil Vijay, Ayushi Gupta and Utsav Sarkar star in the show, which will once again return with the fun, drama and madness.
Hostel Daze revolves around six engineering students who rush through college while leading an adventurous life in the hostel. The show is plotted around the ups and downs of their college lives while attempting to keep their brotherhood and add romance to their lives.
The absence of Gourav Adarsh from the series’ new poster disappointed several fans, who were otherwise thrilled to see it. One of the fans wrote, “Where is DOPA, straight no if DOPA is not there.” Another fan wrote, “Dudde @gouravadarsh kidhar haiiiii?????? Dopa needs to be there.” Utsav Sarkar has replaced Gourav in the upcoming season. Gourav played the role of Ankit Panday aka DOPA in the last two seasons. The actor is currently working on his upcoming film Kho Gaye Hum Kaha opposite Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Panday.
Directed by Abhinav Anand, Hostel Daze Season 3 will premiere on November 16 on Amazon Prime Video.