Deepika Padukone, who was recently attending the much-hyped Paris fashion week, was recently clicked with her parents, Prakash Padukone and Ujjala Padukone, in Paris after the Louis Vuitton fashion show. Fans were elated to see the Gehraiyaan star making her parents proud.
One of the fans wrote in the comments section that they loved watching her with her parents at an international platform. The comment read, “Just loving watching her in international events with her parents ❤️must be so proud ❤️❤️.” Another fan wrote, “So elegant and thoughtful 😍❤️ love her sharing these successful moments with her parents.”
While Deepika was dressed for the fashion show, her mother was dressed pretty chic as well and fans were quick to compliment her. “I mean ofc Deepika is Deepika but her mom is looking soo cool,” read one comment. “Mama Padukone is so chic,” read another comment.
While in Paris spoke to Brand of Fashion’s digital magazine where she spoke about racial stereotypes in the West. “You are the scientist. You are the computer geek. You are the taxi driver. You are the therapist. You are the owner of a convenience store. I’ve had my fans ask me why I’ve not done more [global] movies. But that’s not what I’m settling for, because I am — and we are — so much more than that. It would upset me every time I went to the US. Some of the things that are said and some of the things that are done just [make it] so obvious that people don’t know the world outside of the world that they live in.”
She recalled that once at a Vanity Fair party, a Hollywood actor said that she spoke English really well. She recalled, “I didn’t even realise what that meant. And when I came back I said, ‘What do you mean you speak English really well?’ Did he have this notion that we don’t speak English?’”
In India, Deepika was last seen in the Shakun Batra film Gehraiyaan. Her upcoming films include Pathaan, Fighter, the Hindi adaptation of The Intern, Project K and an upcoming Hollywood film dubbed as a ‘cross-cultural romantic-comedy’.