Bollywood actor Ananya Panday has always been a daddy’s girl, but Chunky Panday has now revealed Ananya’s first love. Chunky laughed about playing Ananya’s father in the movie Liger as he reminisced about his past roles and said that it was a ‘tough decision.’
On Ananya’s 24th birthday, Chunky took a trip down the memory lane and recalled Ananya’s 13th birthday. In an interview with, the actor said, “The best birthday memory was when I gifted her an Iphone on her 13th birthday. That expression of excitement I can never forget. It’s still the same when she she’s her phone. Her first love. Obviously upgraded models now.”
He then revealed the one thing he absolutely loves about Ananya. Chunky said that Ananya has a beautiful ‘Gen Z’ mind who listens to everybody, but at the end takes her own decision. “ Decisions are hers and she takes full responsibility. She has a beautiful happy mind,” Chunky said.
The actor said that although he is ‘daddy cool,’ he has set the bar very high for the men who will date his daughters. He said, “The only advice I give my girls is to only settle down with a guy who is cooler than your dad. I have set the bar very high for them.”
Talking about Ananya’s career and her performances as an actor, Chunky said that he is a proud father but among the roles played by her, he loved her in the film Gehraiyaan. “Very complicated and layered role. She pulled it off quite convincingly,” he added.
The Housefull actor also joked about playing Ananya’s reel-life father in Liger and said that it was a tough decision. “I have never played a father figure in any film before, and had to convince myself that I will not look like her older brother but her father on screen.”
On the work front, Ananya was last seen in the movie Liger opposite Vijay Devarakonda. She has Kho Gaye Hum Kahan in her kitty, which also features Gourav Adarsh and Siddhant Chaturvedi.