Sanjay Kapoor turned sixty on Monday, and on the occasion, the actor was showered with an abundance of love and wishes from his friends, fans, and family. One special wish also came from his brother Anil Kapoor, who took to Instagram to share a few old photos. Anil even wrote a sweet message for Sanjay.
Anil Kapoor wrote, “Sanjay, I admire your spirit, humour, never die attitude, the way you look after and love our mother and your family…I truly believe that 60 is just the beginning of even more wonderful decades for you, not just as a family man, but also as an artist. Happy 60th Birthday Sanjay! Love you.”
Sanjay Kapoor has done many memorable films like Sirf Tum, Prem, and Raja among many others. He made his debut in 1995 with Prem opposite Tabu. He was last seen playing Madhuri Dixit’s on-screen husband in the Netflix series Fame Game which was released in 2022.
Sanjay has been married to Maheep Kapoor for around 25 years and has two kids with her – Shanaya and Jahaan. Shanaya is all set to make her Bollywood debut in Bedhadak, a Dharma Productions film directed by Shashank Khaitan.