Now, ETimes has got to know that the makers have roped in actress Akansha Sharmaa to play the female lead in ‘Aashiqui 3‘. A source close to the film said, “Akansha has had multiple meetings with the the makers of the film.And there is a possibility that things might get locked.” The source also added, “Akansha is fresh new face and makers of ‘Aashiqui’ have always looked out for fresh pairings; be it Rahul Roy and Anu Agarwal or Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur.”
Earlier, reports were rife that top names like Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif were being considered by the makers to star opposite Kartik. The makers apparently didn’t want any actress who has worked with Kartik before. Hence, they were in look out for a fresh new face.
Akansha has worked predominantly in the Kannada industry. She was earlier seen in the music video, ‘Disco 82’ alongside Tiger Shroff.
In a report filed by Pinkvilla, Mukesh Bhatt had earlier revealed that Aashiqui 3’s heroine will be a new face. He said that the team is right now involved in an expensive search for the film’s female lead. The film’s script is also being finalised and the shooting is expected to start next year.
Kartik had announced Aashiqui 3 on his social media stating, “Ab Tere Bin Ji Lenge Hum. Zeher Zindagi Ka Pi Lenge Hum. #Aashiqui3. This one is going to be heart-wrenching!! My First with Basu Da.” Speaking about the film in media interactions, Kartik had said, “The timeless classic ‘Aashiqui’ is something I grew up watching and working on ‘Aashiqui 3’ is like a dream come true. I feel privileged yet grateful collaborating with Bhushan Kumar and Mukesh Bhatt for this opportunity. I’ve been a big fan of Anurag Basu’s work and collaborating with him on this one will definitely shape me in many ways.”