TV actor Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi‘s supermodel wife Alesia Raut on Sunday penned a heartfelt note remembering him, with a picture the couple had clicked way back in 2017–their first selfie. Surryavanshi, known for his roles in shows like Kkusum, Waaris and Suryaputra Karn, passed away on Friday aged 46. The actor reportedly collapsed while working out at a gym. He is survived by wife Raut and their two children.
Raut took to Instagram and posted a picture of the couple. “I love you and always will love you till I am alive @_siddhaanth_ . -24th Feb 2017 our 1st picture together. From this day onwards you always wanted to see me smile, love life, enjoy life, try new things, try and push my limits.”
Raut mentioned how the actor would take care of everything, reminding her to eat on time, being the only man who held her hand without fear and was ready to “always stand for me.”
“I became a baby with you. Always craving for your attention. Your smile, love in your eyes for all, caring nature will be missed by me, Mark, Diza by all. Loving son. Loving brother. Loving father to your kids. Loving husband. Loving friend. I know you will be always guiding me as an angel. You are in an a happy n peaceful place. Love you love you love you and will always do, as you showed me true meaning of love,” she added.
See actor Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi’s wife Alesia Raut’s first post after his demise:
Having started his career as a model, Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi, who’s also known as Anand Suryavanshi, made his debut with Kkusum. He has also played lead characters in many shows. He was seen in pivotal roles in shows like Kasautii Zindagii Kay, Krishna Arjun, Kya Dill Mein Hai among more. His last projects include TV shows Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti and Ziddi Dil.
Siddhaanth was earlier married to Ira, whom he divorced in 2015. He then tied the knot with Alesia in 2017. He had a daughter from his first marriage, while Alesia had a son from her previous marriage.