Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan recently got engaged to her longtime boyfriend Nupur Shikhare. On Sunday, Nupur gave a closer look of the engagement ring and shared a beautiful video which captures their relationship in 30-seconds. The duo was all hearts and smiles in the video as they enjoyed wine, coffee, and views of both mountains and beaches.
Last month, Ira took to her Instagram handle and posted a video of Nupur proposing to her during Ironman Italy, in which Nupur was participating. Nupur was seen in a cycling outfit as he went down on one knee and proposed to Ira.
Ira and Nupur made their relationship official in February, 2021 and their pictures together are a hit among their fans. Ira often speaks about mental health issues and she had once shared how Nupur’s presence in her life has helped her.
She wrote, “But while it’s building, talking to Popeye (Nupur) and breathing has helped make it not come to an attack. At least for a few hours. It also depends on if I get re-stressed by another stimulus later. Life’s full of variables. If you’re trying to be mindful, remember to take them all into account.”
Ira is Aamir’s daughter from his first marriage to Reena Datta. The ex couple who got married in 1986, welcomed Ira in 1997. Ira is a budding director and she made her directorial debut in 2019 with a theatre production, Euripides’ Medea.