When it comes to the credibility of media in general, it’s very difficult to explain the credibility of media this could be understood by this itself According to the Hindu newspaper of 11 December 2021, The Nobel Peace prize winner D’miting Murata and Maria Ressa said “we both warn that the world needs independent journalism to counter authoritarian governments’ ‘.
Now, if we look around us in our Day to day life. How many places are out of so-called “security “? When we say the word security it means protection according to us but is it really? Have you ever wondered why children are afraid of speaking openly (playing, fighting, etc) in a class that has cameras? This is a very simple example and is also very simple because they know there is the authority who is looking at them and I’d they will do something which is not considered ethical or as per the school code /student code rule, they will be punished. This fear of being punished made them not behave in that way.
The same logic applies over here too where we are being surveillance in very systematic ways and simple in the name of security.
Due to which the only place which is left out to speak or say instead of having the constitutional right and one the features of democracy that people have right to speech and can oppose any view of government which they do not find good.
This goes for normal people but what is happening with the group of activists, intellectuals, or journalists. During the COVID period, we have come across a lot of cases in which journalists have been abducted in the name of spreading terrorism or a threat to national security.
In which later it has been found that most individuals were not found guilty now the reason can only be seen if they are a threat to these parties. Media is now become the means to win elections and be in Power. It manipulates young people with its ideological ideas.
As we can see, the control of the government over the media houses leads to spreading the news which they think needs to be known to the public. Due to this Indian media is losing its credibility and the 2021 World Press Freedom Index produced by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), a French NGO, has again placed India at 142nd ranked out of 180 countries which clearly indicated the “democracy” of India.

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