A century-old disputed border region in the northeastern part of India got violent in the month of July 2021. The border region of Assam-Mizoram near the Vairengte area of Mizoram witnessed a violent clash between the police forces of the two states. On 26 July 21, the police forces of the two states clashed with arms leading to the death of 6 Assam Policemen and a bystander. On 26 July 2021, the IGP, Assam Police led a 200 Assam Police team to the Vairengte area. DC, SP, and DFO of Cachar accompanied the team. While Mizoram sent the SP to negotiate with the Assam team chaos reigned among the residents of both states. Amidst the negotiation between both the states, Mizoram mentions that Assam fired tear gas and started firing thus Mizoram retaliating in defense. Assam Government mentioned that Mizoram broke the status quo in the Lailapur area. Mizoram Government mentioned that Assam forcefully invaded Mizoram’s police outpost in Vairengte and overran the CRPF post too.
The reason of dispute takes us back to two notifications of the 80s and the 90s. Mizoram accepts the Inner Line of 1875 that demarcated from the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation (BEFR) Act, 1873. This Inner Line boundary separated the Lushai Hills from the plains of Cachar in Assam. This was a mutual acceptance by the Mizo Chiefs back then. However, the people of Mizoram find the 1933 Inner Line boundary unacceptable. According to them, the 1933 demarcation didn’t happen with the approval and consultation of Mizo chiefs. This demarcates a boundary between Lushai Hills and Manipur. Mizoram states that this line is an imaginary line pushed farther from the Inner Line of 1875. Mizoram wants the boundary demarcated based on the 1875 notification.
As of now, the situation has calmed down. On August 2021, both the states agreed upon a joint statement in a meeting at Aizawl. According to the joint statement, both the states welcomed the deployment of paramilitary forces until a permanent solution arrives. The situation would require some give and take decisions by both the states. The dispute has led to loss of life and has given birth to unending tension. After the incident, villagers and village council from both the states approached each other to try to normalize the situation. People from Mizoram’s Vairengte Village Council approached Lailapur in Cachar to hold people-to-people discussions. The Chief Minister of Mizoram knew about this step taken. This initiative creates an example that the situation surely has a permanent solution ahead. Both the states hope for harmony and peace between them.
The solution would lie in a mutually acceptable decision by both the common people and the authorities. Authorities should be able to find an amiable solution that can respect both the historical practices and present situations. The forest area in question, which have been long used by the Mizoram people for agricultural practices, falls under the Singla Forest in Assam’s Karimganj District. Assam and Mizoram can protect and nurture the forest areas together. The two states can choose to ignore the concept of ownership. The issue of illegal immigrants needs to be checked too as there have been many instances of immigrants encroaching. With proper consideration by the authority of both the states, this situation will reach a permanent solution.
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