Ltd. is an abbreviation used for “limited” and generally placed as a suffix in front o the companies having one or more registered employees.LTD companies are traditional companies and are their own legal entity. This status sets them apart from sole trader businesses, which are not separate from the business owner. It also shows that the promoters or the founder of the company have limited liability to the company. In an Ltd company, the company will owns all the profits and pay the taxes, provide the dividends to shareholders, and keep the rest to use for working capital.
Considering an Ltd company, it can be both public and private. ‘Ltd’ stands for a public company and ‘Pvt. Ltd stands for a private company. A company is called privately limited when all its shares are in private hands. On the other hand, the minimum number of shareholders in a Public Ltd Company is seven and there is no limit to the maximum number of shareholders.
The Bombay Stock Exchange became the first stock exchange to be recognized by the Indian Government under the Securities Contracts Regulation Act.
It is Asia’s biggest stock exchange and does considered a company, owned by the government and has limited employees and shares trading therefore a suffix “Ltd.” is added to BSE at some sites. Starting from a small scale local trading under a banyan tree, it has spread its roots globally. Many companies sell and buy shares here. Today BSE provides an efficient and transparent market for trading in equity, currencies, debt instruments, derivatives, mutual funds.BSE maintains BUY on BSE based on better-than-expected revenue and operational performance. Alike other MNC’s, BSE allows clients to invest, in order to invest in the BSE, investors have to have a trading account with a broker registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Investors also have to provide proof of identity and address and set up a Demat account with the SEBI-registered broker.BSE provides safe trading by the grievances of investors against listed companies and BSE Trading Members are redressed by BSE. The capital market can grow only when investors find it safe for them to invest and they are assured that the rules governing the market are fair and just to all the players.
A complete study on BSE may introduce you to the terms shares, stocks, marketing, market cap product, and service which are often listed as the features of any company.