Election Commission (EC) in India is a constitutional body and does not have any interference from the government. It is empowered by Advisory jurisdiction too. In case of any election-related issues, the court refers to EC for the opinion, which is legal binding.
The election commission has equally allowed parties to do unacceptable stuff and getaway. So-called leaders for all parties give speeches and get away with just warning from EC equally. Haven’t seen EC acting biased in suppressing one party over another. It’s been ineffective to control those in an unbiased manner.
The election commission has become effective in reducing bogus voting too much extent. So unless only one party was getting benefitted from bogus voting so stopping it become biased against that party. The election commission of India is a Constitutional body, which conducts elections for President, Vice-President, Lok sabha, Rajya Sabha, and state legislative assemblies and councils.
It is to be noted that it doesn’t conduct elections in municipalities and panchayats, it was conducted by the state election commission.
It successfully finished elections for state assemblies of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. The election commission succeeded in introducing VVPATs in conducting elections. No, it is working under the pressure of the ruling government in India because It delayed the Gujarat election after the appeal of the BJP so that BJP could declare some development projects in Gujarat like Dahej Project.
After the huge controversy on EVMs, it started to use VVPATs now when opposition parties demanded it again and again.
It takes action on opposition parties only on code of conduct but keeps when the ruling party does the same.
After the huge allegations earlier of booth capturing and now EVM tampering the commission has no assurance to stop all this stuff.
We Had Election Commissioner like T.N Seshan who is best remembered for cleaning up elections in India from 1991–to 96.He Reformed elections by ending malpractices. Election Parties dubbed him while fighting elections as “Seshan versus Nation”.
We also had election commissioners like Dr S.Y Qureshi who did various things to improve the system. Due To his work In the ECI office, he has been appointed as UN Democracy Ambassador along with Kofi Annan.
We also have commissioner like Achal Kumar Jyoti who has been a part of controversies like the Disqualification Of 20 Aam Aadmi Party M.L.A(Delhi High Reversed the decision and criticized the ECI) and issuing notices to T.V Channels for airing the Interview of Rahul Gandhi during the model Code Of Conduct and ignoring Narendra Modi Interview which also aired at that time. He is also alleged of delayed in declaring election dates so that the model Code Of Conduct does not apply and Narendra Modi announces various populist schemes to influence voters. So the Election Commission in India functions fairly.